Augsburg Fortress

Equipping You for Ministry, Room by Room.

Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors to discover room after room of possibilities! Over the span of twelve months, we will light up each space of the blueprint below with great ideas for ministry both within and beyond the walls of your church. Every room features something different. Just hover over the interactive blueprint to discover the many ways we want to support you—room by room!

Gathering Space/Narthex

We begin this year-long tour with the space that connects the outside with the inside—your narthex.

God can be found in thresholds! Whether coming in or going out, in-between places matter to God because they speak to the dynamic of your coming together as the church and being sent out in Jesus’ name.

Your narthex serves as a threshold between the worshiping, faith-forming pulse of your church and a world in need of the manifold grace of God.

What words come to mind when you think about your narthex—welcome, introduction, hospitality, warmth?

Whatever the words, we can help to make your narthex a place that invites and informs!

Download these posters featuring the inviting text and images from Pastor Daniel Erlander. Post them on the doors of your narthex to send out your church community merrily and with good humor. The Martin Luther poster is especially fitting for Reformation Sunday.

Resources for your Gathering Space/Narthex

Sacristy and Worship Space

The heart of every church is its sanctuary. There is an ebb and flow in this space—a coming together to gather and learn, grow and reflect, pray and sing, and a sending back out to share newfound learnings, peace, and the care and joy of our Creator.

The mix of the divine and the human creates a space embodying a living grace. Small children squirm and babble, hands clap on (maybe near, or off) beat, microphones squeal, and attention may wander. In the sacristy, communion trays are prepared, paraments placed, and altar guilds urgently remind “Do NOT touch that brass without gloves!” Amidst the perfectly imperfect, our Lord finds us open and willing to learn and love.

The walls of a worship space see the milestones of a life—baptisms, first communions, confirmations, weddings, funerals, and everything in between. Every gap between bricks and undusted light fixture holds the weight of generations of emotions from joyous celebration to the deepest of grief. It invites participation by members, visitors, employees, and volunteers to come together in the ritual of worship.

Whatever milestone your sanctuary and sacristy are observing today, we want to help make it a space that honors and celebrates the heart of your ministry!

Invite God’s blessings upon both the people who equip your worship space and the furnishings of worship through two collections of downloadable prayers. The first prayers are taken from the Altar Guild and Sacristy Handbook: Fourth Revised Edition. The second are taken from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship Occasional Service for the Assembly. Both are featured below.

A sampling of resources for your Sacristy and Worship Space

Church Office

The engine of the church is often found right inside the front doors. The church office is the location of logistics, the emotion behind the emails, and the coordination of the congregation. The church secretary is ruler of this kingdom with every operation of the building created and noted by their fingertips, all while being the friendly face and welcoming voice people encounter upon entering.

In this space, the word is printed on hundreds of bulletins every Thursday. It is spoken in every meeting looking to enhance, streamline, create, and implement programming for a multigenerational community. It is enacted every time the phone rings and a friendly voice picks up, ready to answer any query, offer support, or connect you to that which you seek. It pulls in and sends out the myriad of employees, volunteers, and youth (often there for a candy from someone’s desk) with tasks, answers, and thanks. It is in this space that the day-to-day of the divine occurs.

We give great thanks for those who coordinate the behind-the-scenes work of nourishing the ministry, mission, and community of a church while keeping the lights on, doors open, and bulletins printed. Let us support the continuation of this great work with resources that can aid and bolster such endeavors.

Invite some levity into your church office with these signs created by our design team. These daylight saving, Thanksgiving, and general autumn signage will keep your congregation smiling through the season. Our playful “office closed” notice is guaranteed to get a chuckle all year round. Perfect for bulletin boards, office doors, or anywhere that could use a touch of good-hearted humor.

A sampling of resources for your Church Office

Church Library

Great joy and great peace can be found among the shelves of a church library. The overstuffed (maybe slightly uncomfortable, possibly donated) chairs are the site of impromptu council meet ups, confirmation small group discussions, and kids waiting for their adults to stop chatting on a Sunday morning. The well-worn board and picture books at preschooler eye level may elicit squeals of delight. All this and more may be observed by rows of pictures depicting previous pastors who dedicated their time to an institution that still gathers people today.

Many rooms in a church advertise movement, sound, and participation. A church library is a special place to pause and rest a bit in stillness within the church building. Books and other media stacked generation upon generation remind us of the values held before and show us the journey taken to get to where we are now. Each shelf provides a companion through any discussion and thought, whether it’s seminary-level analysis of the Old Testament, books about dealing with grief, titles on major societal issues, or a whole host of other topics. A church library provides a safe place to explore new ideas and grow in faith.

You better believe we have recommendations for expanding and updating your library! With resources covering all sorts of topics and for all kinds of audiences, let Augsburg Fortress help add the next layer of wisdom to your church library.

Breathe some fresh air into your library with a recent bestseller list, customizable shelf cards for Staff Picks and other titles, and New Arrival signs.

A sampling of resources for your Church Library

The Pastor’s Office

The pastor’s office. Depending on the church, it might be roomy and comfortable with high ceilings and big windows, or little more than a broom closet with a desk. Regardless of the physicality of these four walls, this is where the heavy lifting of the spiritual and emotional health of the congregation. The small table in the corner is where they hold pre-marriage, pre-baptism, and pre-funeral meetings—a spot where stories flow that celebrate the people at the event’s center. The bookshelves are heavy with books collected from seminary days and years as a camp counselor, titles on grief counseling, copies of liturgical calendars, and guides and discussions on programs and topics. There are personal touches here too—poetry books, picture frames full of families and vacations, and maybe a toy car for a child to play with while the grownups chat. The door closes but only for private conversations and sermon writing—“I want to talk with you, but I need to write this, and if I can see you, I will talk to you...and not write this.”

The pastor might not be in this office all that often. They are visiting the hospitalized and the homebound. They are leading meetings and advocating for the mission of the church enacted by youth directors, musicians, and altar guilds. They preside over Sunday services, weddings, and funerals and are with families through times of great joy and great hardship. They are magnifying the love and grace of the spirit to all with whom they interact. And yet, they are human—learning, struggling, getting frustrated, and growing right alongside their congregation. We are grateful for their work, their care, and their presence.

Whatever may be happening inside or out of this office, we have resources to aid these faithful workers and to create a space that supports them and their ministry.

As the caretaker of the congregation, a pastor’s personal care may fall to the wayside. Click below to download a mini workbook from Joe Davis that can help you pause and check in with yourself. Also provided is a personal library loan marker for those books that get loaned out from your private collection and then go missing without a trace.

A Sampling of Resources for your Pastoral Offices

Sunday School Rooms

“I’m just curious—how long has that glitter been a part of the carpet?”

Sunday school rooms are versatile spots in a church. They can be stations in an Easter egg hunt, a whale’s belly during VBS, the costume closet of a Christmas program, and, most importantly, the place where the youngest among us learn and grow together in faith.

“Out of the mouths of babes” come questions that challenge and bend our own understanding of the divine. These fresh eyes and inquisitive minds seek an understanding of the big feelings and rituals they find around them. (They are also seeking snacks. And stickers.)

We want kids to feel safe in these spaces to ask these questions and talk with caring leaders about their big thoughts, big feelings, and latest special interests.

These rooms have important uses outside of Sunday mornings too. They can be places for quilting groups, Bible studies, planning meetings, and countless other gatherings. As a community center, these rooms provide space for nonmembers to find fellowship in a peaceful place. AA meetings, Boy Scouts, and support groups may fill these rooms during weekdays in a continuation of the church's mission to bring people together.

For all of the groups, ages, and interests that occupy these rooms, let us help you curate resources that support their endeavors. (But we’ll tell you up front—you’ll have to supply the glitter.)

Click below for a list of recommended books for a Sunday School Lending/Teaching library, and for wall decals that can be printed on a Cricut vinyl cutter and used to decorate your rooms!

A Sampling of Resources for your Sunday School Rooms

Fellowship Hall

Merriam-Webster defines fellowship as “[a] community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience.” The fellowship hall of a church definitely follows in line with understanding. One could say that the fellowship hall is the first place where the teaching from the sanctuary is enacted.

The core is community, be it around Wednesday night suppers, Advent workshops, funeral receptions, or youth programming. On Sunday mornings, these walls see Sunday schoolers gathering for an opening program with songs and teachings. On Wednesday evenings, the same occurs for confirmation. In the summer, the room may transform into a deep jungle wilderness or a tropical island in the middle of a sea (of God’s love) to set the stage for a week of high energy, sun-soaked, and greatly anticipated VBS. On days of mourning, family and friends gather to share stories of their loved one and offer each other support.

This space is a cozy haven of multigenerational interactions. Your evening of community may start at a potluck, transition into a service project, and come to rest as a time to sit and chat. Young ones dart around and under tables, bouncing between rooms, activities, and conversations. The Young-at-hearts chat and dote and reminisce and discuss over coffee and exuberant connection. In this space, the village is found. The responsibilities of parenting, grandparenting, teaching, modeling, and helping of a child is spread wider and wider until that youth knows, deep into their bones, that they are loved and safe, and they in turn bring that love right back into the community through participation and conversation. It is in this room that the church is alive.

Your fellowship hall is important to you, and so it is important to us. Here are some resources to aid your ministry in this room.

Check out a free intergenerational event, potluck tags identifying the dish, the chef, and potential allergens, and posters below!

A Sampling of Resources for your Fellowship Hall


Check back in April!

Resources for your Nursery

Youth Room

Check back in May!

Resources for your Youth Room

Church Musician Office and Choir Room

Check back in June!

Resources for your Church Musician Office and Choir Room

Children’s Ministry Leader Office

Check back in July!

Resources for your Children’s Ministry Leader Office

Youth Ministry Leader Office

Check back in August!

Resources for your Youth Ministry Leader Office

I was glad when they said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the Lord!

Psalm 122:1 NRSVUE