See Me, Believe Me: A Guide to Deepen Allyship with Congregational Leaders of Color
In See Me, Believe Me, Rev. Dr. Yolanda Denson-Byers offers an honest and unflinching look at the challenges faced by leaders of color in the predominantly white ELCA. Her insights and concrete suggestions for action illustrate how seeing and believing leaders of color are essential steps in the journey of allyship.
Pastor and People: Making Mutual Ministry Work
The relationship between the pastor and the people is integral to a congregation's life and ministry. This timely resource offers key insights on tending to...
Growing Together, Revised Edition: Spiritual Exercises for Church Committees
Growing Together provides congregational leaders with opportunities for spiritual growth. Each of the fifty exercises includes an opening prayer, a personal...
Called to Lead: A Handbook for Lay Leaders
Called to Lead contains basic information to help council members and committee chairs carry out their leadership roles: the biblical and theological...
Our Staff: Building Our Human Resources
Our Staff can help you think through the human resources needed for the mission and ministry of your congregation as well as employment issues. This book helps...
Our Stewardship: Managing Our Assets
Our Stewardship looks at how to identify, manage, and build up the assets needed for your congregation's mission and ministry (such as a building, grounds,...
Our Gifts: Identifying and Developing Leaders
Our Gifts will help you to identify the gifts of your congregation's members, mobilize people for mission and ministry, and recruit, train, and support leaders....
Our Mission: Discovering God's Call to Us
Our Mission provides a four-step process for discovering God's call for your congregation. The mission of the church is the same at all times and in all ages,...
Our Structure: Carrying Out the Vision
Leading effectively in a congregation involves identifying a vision for the future and then carrying out that vision. The congregation's structure can help...
Our Context: Exploring Our Congregation and Community
Our Context is a guide to exploring your congregation and the surrounding community, identifying potential problems, and highlighting new opportunities to carry...
Our Community: Dealing with Conflict in Our Congregation
Our Community begins by looking at what conflict is and who we are as people of God, then discusses ways that we deal with conflict, healthy and unhealthy...
Congregational LEADER Series
Build on your congregation's strengths with these resources for effective planning and leadership development. Free downloadable tools for each book can be reproduced for congregational use.