See Me, Believe Me: A Guide to Deepen Allyship with Congregational Leaders of Color
In See Me, Believe Me, Rev. Dr. Yolanda Denson-Byers offers an honest and unflinching look at the challenges faced by leaders of color in the predominantly white ELCA. Her insights and concrete suggestions for action illustrate how seeing and believing leaders of color are essential steps in the journey of allyship.
El Catecismo Menor de Lutero / Luther's Small Catechism: Bilingual Edition 5/pkg
English and Spanish texts in a 4"x 6" side-by-side page format. Textos en inglés y español colocados lado a lado en un formato de 4" x 6".
Faith in Action: A Handbook for Activists, Advocates, and Allies
You want to make the world better. This book can help. Faith in Action offers quick dives into a range of topics, from racial justice...
Hay un Lugar para Ti: A Place for You Bilingual Edition
A beloved story of Jesus welcoming you to his special meal of holy communion. Published in 1999, this classic Erlander book has invited many to join their place at the table. This bilingual edition includes text in both English and Spanish.
Una entrañable historia de Jesús dándole la bienvenida a su cena especial de la Santa Comunión. Publicado por primera vez en 1999, el clásico de Erlander ha invitado a muchos a tomar su lugar a la mesa. Esta edición bilingüe incluye texto en inglés y en español.
The Measure of a Man
Why nonviolence matters Eloquent and passionate, reasoned and sensitive, this pair of meditations by the revered civil-rights leader contains the...
Strength to Love: Gift Edition
"If there is one book Martin Luther King, Jr. has written that people consistently tell me has changed their lives, it is Strength to Love." So wrote Coretta...
The Prophetic Lens: The Camera and Black Moral Agency from MLK to Darnella Frazier
The Prophetic Lens takes an important look at the use of the video camera as an indispensable prophetic tool for the security of Black lives and greater possibility for racial justice. The book highlights both the prophetic potential of the camera and the context of Blackness as a liminal existence amid a context dominated by whiteness.
Coming Full Circle: Constructing Native Christian Theology
Coming Full Circle provides a working constructive dogmatics in Native Christian Theology. Drawing together leading scholars in the field, this volume seeks to encourage theologians to reconsider the rich possibilities present in the intersection between Native theory and practice and Christian theology and practice.
African Theology on the Way: Current Conversations
In this exciting volume, Diane B. Stinton has assembled the work of nearly twenty prominent African theologians, making their writings accessible to the introductory level student.
Witnessing and Testifying: Black Women, Religion, and Civil Rights
After a chapter exploring black women's religious context and presenting early examples of this work by women of the ante-bellum and post-Reconstruction eras,...
Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Cultural Genocide
George Tinker's fascinating probe into U.S. mission history pierces the romantic veil of most history writing and shows how four of the most noted Christian...
Down in the Valley: An Introduction to African American Religious History
This book provides a comprehensive overview of African American religious history from the African Traditional Religions, slavery, the development of black churches, the rise of black new religious movements, and the Civil Rights movement to the emergence of black megachurches, and examines contemporary issues and challenges facing the study of African American religion today.
Cómo estudiar la Biblia: How to Study the Bible
Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociación para la Educación Teológica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit...
Presumed Guilty: Why We Shouldn't Ask Muslims to Condemn Terrorism
All of us should condemn terrorism–whether the perpetrators are Muslim extremists, white supremacists, Marxist revolutionaries, or our own government. But it's time for us to...
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Behind the Public Veil: The Humanness of Martin Luther King Jr.
What was Martin Luther King Jr. really like? In this groundbreaking volume, Lewis V. Baldwin answers this question by focusing on the man himself. Drawing on the testimonies of friends, family, and closest associates, this volume adds much-needed biographical background to the discussion, as Baldwin looks beyond all of the mythic, messianic, and iconic images to treat King in terms of his fundamental and vivid humanness.
Asian Theology on the Way: Christianity, Culture, and Context
In this exciting volume, Peniel Rajkumar has assembled the work of nearly twenty prominent Asian theologians, making their writings accessible to the introductory level student.
The Histories of the Latin American Church: A Brief Introduction
With this brief, engaging, and helpful overview, Joel M. Cruz offers a resource that tells that story of Latin America church history in a new way, enabling students of all kinds to better understand the histories of Latin American Christianity.
Breaking Bread, Breaking Beats: Churches and Hip-Hop - A Basic Guide to Key Issues
In this innovative project, ten individuals write as one voice to illuminate the ways that hip-hop and the Black Church agree, disagree, and inform each other on key topics.
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Studies: Multicultural
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