Good News, Great Joy: Devotions for Advent & Christmas 2024-2025
Good News, Great Joy provides daily devotions for the first Sunday of Advent (December 1, 2024) through Epiphany (January 6, 2025). These devotions explore year C scripture readings (in the Revised Common Lectionary) for the Sundays of Advent and Christmas, as well as for the festival days of Christmas and Epiphany.
Spark Worship Bulletins / Year C / Lent and Easter
Spark Worship Bulletins engage kids during worship with fun activities that connect them to worship practices, lectionary readings, and the people who are worshiping with them. These reproducible bulletins are designed for Pre-Readers and Readers to receive on every Sunday in the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary.
Celebration Certificate of Baptism: (Child) Quantity per package: 12
Certificate of Baptism. Envelope included.
Altar Candles (Stearine)
Shell & Dove Baptismal Towel
Fine cotton towel has a shell and dove embroidered in dark gold. Edging is overcasted. Folds in sixths, with design on middle panel.
10" x 10"9786000047177
Community First Communion Certificate: Quantity per package: 12
Each certificate is 11" x 8.5", printed on one side. Envelopes are included.
2025 Appointment Book
The Augsburg Fortress Appointment Book, frequently called "The Little Red Book," will be available for 2025. Due to rising costs, this is the last print edition we will be able to provide. Consider trying our 2025 Digital Appointment Book, available here at no cost. This is one way to access the information found in the print edition of the appointment book.
Also available as a Free Digital Download
Altar Candles (51% Beeswax)
Sundays and Seasons: Preaching, Year C 2025
Commentary and ideas for proclamation, contributed by practicing preachers as well as scholars, together with succinct notes on each day and its readings.
Rainbow Baptism Certificate for Sponsors: Quantity per package: 12
Card opens to appropriate scripture passage combined with a certificate for sponsors. Envelope included.
Communion Wafers in Plastic Container
Large quantities of whole wheat or white communion wafers packaged in a PETE plastic container. This clear, rigid, recyclable container (4" x 4" x 9 ¾") offers a complete hermetic seal, protection of freshness, protection against tampering and damage, easy opening, dispensing and resealing. Produced in the United States. Made with only whole wheat flour and water. The wafers are produced in a facility that does not bake or package any other product so there is no chance of cross contamination possible. No baking sprays are used, so the wafers are 100% wheat flour and water.
Community Adult Baptism Certificate: Quantity per package: 12
Each certificate is 11" x 8.5", printed on one side. Envelopes are included.
Planning Guide and Preaching Combo Pack, Year C 2025
Purchase Sundays and Seasons and Sundays and Seasons: Preaching together and save!
The Word in Season: Regular Print Edition
This daily devotional, published quarterly, enriches life with a contemporary message for today's Christian. The Word in Season reflects on the themes of...
Hosanna!: Palm Sunday Bulletin, Large Size: Quantity per package: 100
Reads: Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord
Christ in Our Home: Large Print Edition
Christ in Our Home is a quarterly devotional resource that encourages readers to live out their faith daily. Each reflective reading is accompanied by a daily scripture reference and prayer for the day that follows the Revised Common Lectionary.
Community Membership Certificate: Quantity per package: 12
Each certificate is 11" x 8.5", printed on one side. Envelopes are included.
New Multi-Occasion Certificate Paper: Quantity per package: 12
Purchase this new high-quality, Multi-Occasion Certificate Paper to customize with your own text...
Christ in Our Home
Reflect on short, inspirational, daily devotional messages written from a Lutheran perspective. Also available in large print.
Weekly bulletins
Weekly bulletins welcome God’s people to worship through colorful, vibrant images and are available in various sizes and formats.
The Word in Season
Enrich your faith with thought-provoking messages in these scripture-based daily devotionals. Also available in large print.
Paschal Candles (Plain Ends)
Advent Home Wreath
Weekly lectionary inserts
Lectionary inserts support Evangelical Lutheran Worship content and the Revised Common Lectionary.
Children's bulletins
Engage children in worship with fun activities and artwork related to the day’s readings and the church year season.
Advent Home Taper Boxes
Christ Candles
Encourage spiritual growth by providing devotionals to your congregation.
Welcome the assembly with colorful and practical guides to worship.