Give Thanks to the Lord: Thanksgiving Bulletin, Regular Size: Quantity per package: 100
5-1/2" x 8-1/2" folded. Packaged in multiples of 100.
Augsburg Fortress Liturgies License
The Augsburg Fortress Liturgies License, which is included with Sundays and Seasons Standard and Deluxe subscriptions, conveys permission to reproduce certain music and liturgies published by Augsburg Fortress for one-time, non-commercial use.
Kids Celebrate The Bible, Young Reader: Quantity per package: 12
For grades 1 - 3. Perfect size for pews, activity bags, or home use.
St. Martin's Psalter
Based on familiar hymns and tunes and with texts from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, this Psalter is accessible for both the choir and congregation. Thomas Pavlechko has...
Give Thanks to the Lord: Thanksgiving Offering Envelope: Quantity per package: 100
Festival Setting of Holy Communion (Setting 9)
Full score to the Festival Setting of Holy Communion, Setting Nine from Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Scored for assembly, SATB choir, brass quintet, timpani, and organ.
Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
Use: CommunionFrom$3.00
Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Pastoral Care CD-ROM
The first of two volumes of Occasional Services for Evangelical Lutheran Worship, available in electronic format. This CD Rom contains prayers, readings, and rites for use by rostered leaders...
Proclaiming the Living Word: A Handbook for Preachers
In this handbook, author Gordon Lathrop guides preachers as they think about the central matters and purposes of preaching and engage in preparation for this important task. By providing wise encouragement and concrete tools for ministry, this book will equip preachers for faithful preaching in their assemblies.
White Rose: Wedding Bulletin: Quantity per Package: 100
5-1/2" x 8-1/2" folded. Packaged in multiples of 100.
Washed and Welcome: A Baptism Sourcebook (with CD-ROM)
The Washed and Welcome sourcebook is for the pastor, Christian educator or anyone leading/organizing a baptismal preparation class.
Chinese Lutheran Book of Worship, with CD-ROM
This volume includes orders of services for Holy Communion, Holy Baptism and related rites, Marriage, Funeral, additional prayers, and other resources developed...
Christ the Lord: Easter Bulletin, Large Size: Quantity per package: 100
7" x 8-1/2" folded. Packaged in multiples of 100.
Raised Cross Bulletin, Large Size: Quantity per package: 100
7" x 8-1/2" folded. Packaged in multiples of 100.
Introductions and Alternate Accompaniments for Organ: Hymns 819-893, Volume 10
Includes select alternative accompaniments and introductions to Hymns 819-893 from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the Praise, Thanksgiving through National Songs section.
Voicing: Organ
Difficulty: Medium-Difficult9780800639235
Ritos Ocasionales: Lutheran Book of Worship, Occasional Services-Spanish
Este es un libro para el uso del clero y del laicado que asiste en las funciones litúrgicas de la iglesia. La mayoría de los ritos son una...
Operation Restoration VBS Director Guide: Mending God's World
The Director Guide for Operation Restoration: Mending God's World includes almost 200 pages of resources for directors to plan and carry out a safe, exciting VBS program.
According to Your Promise, Give Me Life: Funeral Bulletin: Quantity per package: 100
Images and words to inspire one's path from grief to the treasury of everlasting joy. 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" folded. Packaged in multiples of 100.
Operation Restoration VBS Music Guide: Mending God's World
This guide includes everything the Music Center leader needs to guide kids through 5 days of musicmaking activities at Operation Restoration.
Alleluia Sunrise Bulletin, Large Size: Quantity per package: 100
7" x 8-1/2" folded. Packaged in multiples of 100.
Kids Celebrate Sunday Worship, Pre-Reader: Quantity per package: 12
For ages 2 1/2 - 5. Perfect size for pews, activity bags, or home use.
Sundays and Seasons
The indispensable annual guide to worship planning that follows the church year and the Revised Common Lectionary
Christ in Our Home
Reflect on short, inspirational, daily devotional messages written from a Lutheran perspective. Also available in large print.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Pew Edition
The Pew Edition and these special gift editions of Evangelical Lutheran Worship ensure you can participate actively in liturgy and song whether you're in church, at home, or another ministry setting.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Congregational Resources
Pew Edition and other essentials for your worship life
A Lutheran Welcome
Highly visual and engaging booklets featuring the artwork of Daniel Erlander. These resources are designed to capture attention and learn more about the Lutheran expression of faith. Ideal to welcome new members, visitors, or life-long Lutherans.
Worship Matters Sourcebooks
These comprehensive guides offer everything you might need on a topic from group discussion guides to reproducible resources. Ready to usher you through whichever process, these sourcebooks are a staple of any pastoral or congregational library.
Worship Matters Handbooks
Worship Matters Handbooks provide valuable resources for congregations that want to renew their worship life, deepen their understanding of worship as mission, and increase the involvement of lay people in leading worship. With important resources for pastors, those with worship roles, pre-marriage couples, families planning funerals, and more, these books cover the breadth and depth of the happenings in a church.
Santa Communión
Santa Comunión / Holy Communion is a bilingual version of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship service of Holy Communion, with Spanish and English in parallel presentation.
Operation Restoration
Operation Restoration VBS helps kids & adults discover how they can be menders in God’s world!
Libro de Liturgia y Cántico
Worship Matters Studies
The Worship Matters Studies Series examines key worship issues in a multi-session course and topical studies by pastors, musicians, and lay people from throughout the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Features include informal and insightful writing for all readers and study questions at the end of every chapter. These books examine vital issues in weekly worship and help leaders and congregants understand and experience worship more richly.
Weekly bulletins
Weekly bulletins welcome God’s people to worship through colorful, vibrant images and are available in various sizes and formats.
ELW Sale
Sundays and Seasons: Preaching
Preaching supports from scholars and pastors integrate the readings, the day and season, and the assembly.
The Word in Season
Enrich your faith with thought-provoking messages in these scripture-based daily devotionals. Also available in large print.
Manna and Mercy
Daniel Erlander’s vibrant, in-depth exploration of the Bible Manna and Mercy focuses on God’s grace and never-ending love for humanity. This resource has new life as a family of books and curriculum to support conversations about the Bible with your whole congregation.
This Far by Faith
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Study and leadership
Insights and ideas for leaders and worshipers of all ages
Bread for the Day
Offering Bible readings and prayers for each day, this devotional is perfect for individuals, congregations, households, or small groups.
Lectionary Resources
Practical, functional, and informative resources that assist individuals, study groups, worship leaders, and worshiping communities to encounter, engage, and interpret the Revised Common Lectionary.
A Place for You
Daniel Erlander's A Place for You springs to life as a family of books and videos design to help people of all ages gain a richer understanding of Jesus' invitation to his special meal.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Music Resources
Basics and enrichments to help you lead the church’s song
Lutheran Book of Worship
Weekly lectionary inserts
Lectionary inserts support Evangelical Lutheran Worship content and the Revised Common Lectionary.
Sundays and Seasons Calendars
These lectionary-based resources help you keep time in the office, sacristy, and home.
Come to the Water
Daniel Erlander's baptism manuals spring to life as a family of books, curriculum and a video to support baptismal preparation and ongoing baptismal education for people of all ages.
With One Voice
Children's bulletins
Engage children in worship with fun activities and artwork related to the day’s readings and the church year season.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Gifts
Resources to treasure for personal or professional use
Baptized We Live
Daniel Erlander’s Baptized We Live takes a new form as a curriculum for youth & adults to more deeply understand a Lutheran way of life.
Prayer Around the Cross
Enrich your worship service with the timeless beauty and quiet dignity of Holden Village's Prayer Around the Cross.
Worship Matters
Gain a richer understanding of Lutheran worship and explore why we gather, how we encounter God in worship, and how that encounter shapes our response in both our communities and our world.
Kids Celebrate Worship
Encourage your youngest members to learn about worship traditions, celebrations, and seasons with activity-based, engaging guides.
Washed and Welcome
These resources support pastors, parents, and sponsors as they prepare for the sacrament of Holy Baptism.
Fed and Forgiven
Customizable, multi-media resources for leading children, youth, and adults into the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship
Worship resources for God’s people gathered in word and song around gifts of grace, sent with good news into the world.
Sundays and Seasons
Comprehensive week-by-week worship planning resources.
Worship Education
Renew and deepen worship life for people of all ages around word and sacrament.
Welcome the assembly with colorful and practical guides to worship.
Encourage spiritual growth by providing devotionals to your congregation.