Augsburg Fortress

Products (280)
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  • Everyone Must Eat: Food, Sustainability, and Ministry

    Everyone Must Eat: Food, Sustainability, and Ministry

    Rural contexts are often over-looked, treated as "flyover land." But because everyone must eat, rural communities and their work in food production are important to the whole of society. Mark Yackel-Juleen, the executive director of Shalom Hill Farm, connects issues of food production and environmental sustainability in profound ways to the Bible and theology. He offers actionable tools for rural leaders and ministers to address issues of sustainability and land use in their ministry.



  • Grace and Gigabytes: Being Church in a Tech-Shaped Culture

    Grace and Gigabytes: Being Church in a Tech-Shaped Culture

    Grace and Gigabytes explores the intersection of technology, culture, and church. Examining digital technology not as a set of tools, but as a force for cultural transformation, Ryan M. Panzer explores the networked values of the digital age--questions, connection, collaboration, and creativity; demonstrates the need for the church to change if it is to realize its mission; and makes recommendations for the practice of ministry today.



  • God So Enters into Relationships That...: A Biblical View

    God So Enters into Relationships That...: A Biblical View

    Respected biblical theologian Terrence E. Fretheim weaves key insights from Scripture with theological reflections on the nature and activity of God. He emphasizes for pastoral leaders the importance of using this kind of language to speak to the realities of life and faith in sermons, worship, prayers, and teaching of all kinds. Filled with helpful insights communicated in clear language, this is a must-read for all want to know more about the nature of God.



  • 30-Day Journey with Jane Austen

    30-Day Journey with Jane Austen

    Beloved across the centuries, Jane Austen is widely celebrated for her novels depicting life and romance in eighteenth-century England and the engrossing characters that fill their pages. Whether you read Pride and Prejudice every year or are encountering Austen's wit and wisdom for the first time, this journey provides the perfect way to engage the thought of one of the most popular novelists ever to pick up a pen.



  • When the Center Does Not Hold: Leading in an Age of Polarization

    When the Center Does Not Hold: Leading in an Age of Polarization

    Over the past forty years, polarization has permeated nearly every level of American life, including the intimate spheres of faith and interpersonal relationships. In When the Center Does Not Hold, David R. Brubaker, with contributions by colleagues Everett Brubaker, Carolyn Yoder, and Teresa Haase, offers relevant, practical mentorship on navigating polarized environments, equipping leaders to both manage themselves and effectively lead others in highly polarized and anxious systems. In this book, readers will find hope.



  • Love Big: The Power of Revolutionary Relationships to Heal the World

    Love Big: The Power of Revolutionary Relationships to Heal the World

    Love has the power to transform us In the words of Mother Teresa, "We have forgotten that we belong to each other." This lapse in...



  • Jesus Loves You and Evolution Is True: Why Youth Ministry Needs Science

    Jesus Loves You and Evolution Is True: Why Youth Ministry Needs Science

    Science is not a threat to the faith of Christian youth. In fact, Sara Sybesma Tolsma, an award-winning scientist, and Jason Lief, a leading practical theologian, argue that youth ministry needs science to help young people explore their relationship to God and engage their world faithfully. Pastors, faith leaders, and youth workers must not only engage science but embrace its lessons for the life and practice of Christian faith today



  • 30-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    30-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    Enrich each day with wisdom from our greatest spiritual thinkers.
    Through brief daily readings and reflections, the 30-Day Journey series invites readers to be inspired and transformed.

    Known for his courageous resistance against Hitler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's now-classic writings provide a powerful example of spiritual conviction. Whether you are familiar with Bonhoeffer or are encountering him for the first time, this journey provides the perfect way to engage with the thought of a pivotal Christian figure.



  • Bitten by a Camel: Leaving Church, Finding God

    Bitten by a Camel: Leaving Church, Finding God

    Kent Dobson climbed Mount Sinai in search of the God who had eluded him. Instead he got bitten by a camel. The senior pastor of one of the most prominent churches in America, Dobson was growing disillusioned with his faith. One Sunday, he preached, "I don?t know what the word God means anymore." He left the church, but his quest for God became more intense than ever. On the foundation of Jesus and the Bible, Dobson reconstructs a faith that is life-giving and true?true to himself and true to God.



  • Limping But Blessed: Wrestling with God after the Death of a Child

    Limping But Blessed: Wrestling with God after the Death of a Child

    After the unexpected, accidental death of his three-year-old son, Jason Jones went on a long, painful journey to make sense of how God could have...



  • Bipolar Faith: A Black Woman's Journey with Depression and Faith

    Bipolar Faith: A Black Woman's Journey with Depression and Faith

    Bipolar Faith is both spiritual autobiography and a memoir of mental illness. In this powerful book, Monica A. Coleman shares her life-long dance with trauma, depression, and the threat of death. Coleman offers a rare account of how the modulated highs of bipolar II can lead to professional success, while hiding a depression that even her doctors rarely believed. Only as she was able to face her illness was she able to live faithfully with bipolar. And in the process, she discovered a new and liberating vision of God.



  • 51% Christian: Finding Faith after Certainty

    51% Christian: Finding Faith after Certainty

    God is not an idea. Christian faith is not a set of propositions you either believe or reject. 



  • Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness and Their Families

    Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness and Their Families

    Those who are afflicted as well as those who are adversely affected by mental illness often live lives of "quiet desperation" without recourse to appropriate assistance...



  • Year of Plenty: One Suburban Family. . .in Pursuit of Christian Living

    Year of Plenty: One Suburban Family. . .in Pursuit of Christian Living

    In 2008, Pastor Craig Goodwin and his young family embarked on a year-long experiment to consume only what was local, used, homegrown, or homemade. In...



  • Looking Anxiety in the Face: Wisdom for All Who Worry

    Looking Anxiety in the Face: Wisdom for All Who Worry

    In this simple book Herb Brokering comes face-to-face with many of his own anxieties and in the process teaches readers to quiet the noisy worries they confront...



  • Apprenticed to Hope: A Sourcebook for Difficult Times

    Apprenticed to Hope: A Sourcebook for Difficult Times

    With emphasis on its spiritual and religious dimensions, Apprenticed to Hope: A Sourcebook for Difficult Times, is a compelling compilation of thirty-two essays...



  • What Can I Do?: Ideas to Help Those Who Have Experienced Loss

    What Can I Do?: Ideas to Help Those Who Have Experienced Loss

    Barbara A. Glanz knows grief from personal experience. Her son died at a very young age and her husband of many years died recently. Although the ideas in the...



  • I Will to You: Leaving a Legacy for Those You Love

    I Will to You: Leaving a Legacy for Those You Love

    Almost everyone has a Last Will and Testament that tells their family and friends what is to become of their property, but few people have thought about the...



  • The Jonah Factor: Thirteen Spiritual Steps to Finding the Job of a Lifetime

    The Jonah Factor: Thirteen Spiritual Steps to Finding the Job of a Lifetime

    Extensively researched, The Jonah Factor provides a step-by-step approach to helping Christians discern what jobs, careers, and volunteer activities will...



  • Ordinary Joy: Finding Fresh Promise in Routine Moments

    Ordinary Joy: Finding Fresh Promise in Routine Moments

    The discovery of true joy, says Joe Campeau, begins not by breaking out of the daily grind, but by learning to recognize a joy that is already at hand. Written...




Good Grief


The Cross Vision


Living with Hope series