Bible Readings for Caregivers
Offers strength and encouragement from the Bible for family, lay visitors, nurses, doctors, social workers, clergy, and volunteers.
40-Day Journey with Kathleen Norris
Each of the forty chapters includes a selected writing from her work along with one or more scripture selections from the Bible.
Partner People: A Manna and Mercy Board Book
This colorful and inviting board book introduces young children to serving God and working together with God as Partner People.
30-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Enrich each day with wisdom from our greatest spiritual thinkers.
Through brief daily readings and reflections, the 30-Day Journey series invites readers to be inspired and transformed.Known for his courageous resistance against Hitler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's now-classic writings provide a powerful example of spiritual conviction. Whether you are familiar with Bonhoeffer or are encountering him for the first time, this journey provides the perfect way to engage with the thought of a pivotal Christian figure.
When Your Spouse Dies
The death of a spouse can create emotional, spiritual, and financial chaos for the one left behind. It is a journey through grief no one wishes to make. In...
Stretch and Pray, DVD
While on a pilgrimage trek through Thailand, Finck discovered the benefits of daily stretching and quiet prayer. On the physical level, after only one week, the...
The Measure of a Man
Why nonviolence matters Eloquent and passionate, reasoned and sensitive, this pair of meditations by the revered civil-rights leader contains the...
Oye Mi Voz: Un Libro de Oraciones para la Prisión
Un libro de oraciones llenas de gracia que invitan a las personas encarceladas a pasar su tiempo en la oración, confiando en el infinito amor incondicional que Dios nos brinda a todos.
This grace-filled prayer book invites people who are incarcerated to spend time in prayer, trusting in God's never-failing love for them and the whole world.
Luther's Outlaw God, Volume 2: Hidden in the Cross
In this second of three volumes addressing Luther's outlaw God, Steven D. Paulson uses several biblical figures to illustrate Luther's understanding of law and gospel and what this means for preaching. With remarkable depth and clarity Paulson explores the question: Where do we find a gracious God? Luther's answer was: not in the law! Where then? Only in the publicly executed and hated God, Jesus Christ, hidden in the cross.
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Sexuality and Holy Longing, 2nd Edition: Embracing Intimacy in a Beautiful, Broken World
In this newly revised edition of Sexuality and Holy Longing, author Lisa Graham McMinn beautifully describes how people are created by God for relationship, and our sexuality guarantees that we will long for and be drawn toward others. McMinn provides a blueprint for understanding sexuality--and our longing to be loved--at all stages of life (childhood, teen years, early adulthood, midlife, and old age).
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This Risen Existence: The Spirit of Easter
Although Easter is the most significant event in the Christian year, we rarely take time to explore what it means in detail. Best-selling author, Paula Gooder, leads us on a biblical exploration of the resurrection through seven weeks of reflection.
More Cat Psalms: Prayers My Cats Have Taught Me
Inspired by Brokering's observations of cats, each of these whimsical, playful psalm-meditations is written in the "voice" of the cat and expresses what...
In the Bleak Midwinter: Forty Meditations and Prayers for Advent and Christmas
Once again, well-known and beloved author Herbert Brokering offers spiritual nourishment, this time based on Christina Georgina Rossetti's Christmas carol,...
I Can Do No Other: The Church's New Here We Stand Moment
Author Anna M. Madsen's book is a fresh and challenging look at the legacy of Martin Luther and the new reformation that is calling people of faith to action today. She makes a compelling case that justice, anchored in justification, is our new Reformation moment, one not inconsistent with Luther's theology, but weighted differently to address the different weighty concerns of our day. A study guide is included to encourage group conversation and action.
Jesus Is Enough: Love, Hope, and Comfort in the Storms of Life
When stormy trials hit us, our recollection of Jesus' faithfulness can fade as worry, anger, jealousy, fear, sickness, stress, and unforgiveness threaten to rob...
40-Day Journey with Joan Chittister
The 40-Day Journey with Joan Chittister introduces Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun who lives in Erie, Pennsylvania and is best known for her spiritual...
Soul Weavings: A Gathering of Women's Prayers
These rich, strong prayers reflect the needs and experiences of women of all ages. They are gathered from historic and contemporary women of faith from around...
Limping But Blessed: Wrestling with God after the Death of a Child
After the unexpected, accidental death of his three-year-old son, Jason Jones went on a long, painful journey to make sense of how God could have...
40-Day Journey with Howard Thurman
Howard Thurman was an influential American author, philosopher, theologian, educator, and civil rights leader. Strongly influenced by his grandmother, a former...
The Everyday Advocate: Living Out Your Calling to Social Justice
In The Everyday Advocate, Ross Murray encourages Christians to discern their call to advocate for justice and shows them how to respond faithfully by taking practical steps in everyday life. He also shows faith leaders how to help people think through their calling to advocacy and connect with communities that can use their passions and talents.
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