Augsburg Fortress

Products (280)
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  • Leading Lessons: Insights on Leadership from Women of the Bible

    Leading Lessons: Insights on Leadership from Women of the Bible

    Asequel to Porter's first book, Leading Ladies, which explored how the Bible supports women in leadership, this volume delves deeper, providing insights into...



  • When Your Child Loses A Loved One: A how-to guide for every parent

    When Your Child Loses A Loved One: A how-to guide for every parent

    Talking with a grieving child may put a parent at a loss for words. In this brief guide, Theresa Huntley leads parents through a child's grief process,...



  • When Someone You Love Dies

    When Someone You Love Dies

    Why did she have to die?" "What will happen to us now?" We hear questions like these from our children when someone close to them dies. Writing for children...



  • Sexuality and Holy Longing, 2nd Edition: Embracing Intimacy in a Beautiful, Broken World

    Sexuality and Holy Longing, 2nd Edition: Embracing Intimacy in a Beautiful, Broken World

    In this newly revised edition of Sexuality and Holy Longing, author Lisa Graham McMinn beautifully describes how people are created by God for relationship, and our sexuality guarantees that we will long for and be drawn toward others. McMinn provides a blueprint for understanding sexuality--and our longing to be loved--at all stages of life (childhood, teen years, early adulthood, midlife, and old age).



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  • A Song to Sing, A Life to Live: Reflections on Music as Spiritual Practice

    A Song to Sing, A Life to Live: Reflections on Music as Spiritual Practice

    In A Song to Sing, A Life to Live, Don and Emily Saliers help readers see the connections between Saturday night music and Sunday morning...



  • Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals: Weaving Together the Human and the Divine

    Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals: Weaving Together the Human and the Divine

    Herbert Anderson and Edward Foley reveal how when stories and rituals work together, they have the potential to be both mighty and dangerous—mighty in their...



  • The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to the Old Testament: Israel's In-Your-Face, Holy God

    The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to the Old Testament: Israel's In-Your-Face, Holy God

    The Old Testament bears witness to an in-your-face, holy God--a God who gets down and dirty with creation and history; a God who gets in...



  • Stretch and Pray: A Daily Discipline for Physical and Spiritual Wellness

    Stretch and Pray: A Daily Discipline for Physical and Spiritual Wellness

    In this book, Finck provides a step-by-step guide to forty stretches, movements, and postures to improve physical and spiritual well-being. The book features...



  • Good Grief: The Guide and Devotional

    Good Grief: The Guide and Devotional

    This two-book pack, Good Grief: The Guide and Devotional, offers Good Grief, a foundation for understanding the natural process of grieving, along with The Good Grief Devotional, which provides valuable insights and wise companionship for reflecting on the experience.



  • Life among the Lutherans

    Life among the Lutherans

    Based on Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon monologues, Life among the Lutherans is a collection of stories about the struggles of ordinary people in an imperfect...



  • Prayer: A Primer

    Prayer: A Primer

    Prayer is often identified by people of faith as of first importance in the life of faith, at the same time, it is one of the least understood and least...



  • SoulTypes: Matching Your Personality and Spiritual Path, Revised Edition

    SoulTypes: Matching Your Personality and Spiritual Path, Revised Edition

    Millions of people throughout the world turn to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? to guide their career choices, improve their relationships, and resolve conflicts.



  • Loving Jesus

    Loving Jesus

    The essence of spirituality is loving God, says Powell. The Bible, the Talmud, and the Qu'ran all direct their followers not merely to believe in God, to trust...



  • The Seven Last Words of Christ: The Message of the Cross for Today

    The Seven Last Words of Christ: The Message of the Cross for Today

    Ideal for devotional reading and group study or for use as a preaching resource. Each meditation is accompanied by hymns and poetry that enlarge the possible...



  • Honestly: Telling the Truth about the Bible and Ourselves

    Honestly: Telling the Truth about the Bible and Ourselves

    It's no wonder modern Christians have trouble with the truth after living for so long with lies about the Bible. This book aims to set the record straight and encourage honest conversation about the Bible and ourselves. It explores a number of big topics through the lenses of truth and faith.



  • The God Who Riots: Taking Back the Radical Jesus

    The God Who Riots: Taking Back the Radical Jesus

    The God of the Bible was never neutral. Pointing to today's protests, riots, and strikes, popular YouTuber and public theologian Damon Garcia rallies progressive Christians to set aside niceness and the compulsive need for harmony to walk in Jesus's footsteps--the Jesus who flipped tables in the temple and shook empires.



  • Life Unsettled: A Scriptural Journey for Wilderness Times

    Life Unsettled: A Scriptural Journey for Wilderness Times

    The metaphor of wilderness journeying and the biblical book of Numbers take center stage in Cory Driver's creative account of life in wilderness times, a hallmark metaphor for the life of faith. The author combines the study of biblical texts, ancient Jewish legends, modern theological insights, and his own personal journeys to provide a guide for moving forward when we feel lost and confused. It includes a discussion guide ideal for group use.



  • Atlas of the Biblical World

    Atlas of the Biblical World

    Based on the latest current scholarship, Atlas of the Biblical World features striking full-color maps and insightful commentary to make the ancient biblical world come alive. Sharp commentary that accompanies each map provides factual data, addresses questions of interpretation, and locates the biblical narrative in its wider historical and cultural context, making this particular atlas an ideal introduction for students of biblical studies.



  • Red State Christians: Understanding the Voters Who Elected Donald Trump

    Red State Christians: Understanding the Voters Who Elected Donald Trump

    Donald Trump won more Evangelical Christian votes than any candidate in history on his way to winning the 2016 US presidential election. Veteran journalist Angela Denker set out to uncover why, traveling the United States for a year, meeting the people who support Trump, and listening to their rationale. A must-read for those hoping to truly understand how Donald Trump became president.



  • Is That Poop on My Arm? Parenting While Christian

    Is That Poop on My Arm? Parenting While Christian

    God meets us, and our kids, in the mess
    Parenting is messy business. Joyful, but messy. When faith is combined with parenting, we double down...




Good Grief


The Cross Vision


Living with Hope series