The Evangelizing Church: A Lutheran Contribution
In a series of engaging essays and responses, the book explores how evangelism has functioned within Lutheranism...
Welcoming the Stranger: A Public Theology of Worship and Evangelism
An astute rethinking of theology and pastoral ministry that overcomes sentimental notions of hospitality.
A Good Time to Be the Church: A Conversation with Bishop H. George Anderson
"A good time to be the church is right now," declares Bishop H. George Anderson. Rather than lamenting the lost influence of the church or dreaming of some...
Fire of Grace: The Healing Power of Forgiveness
Trinity Lutheran Church was burned to the ground by one of the most prolific arsonists in the history of the United States. When Paul Keller was finally apprehended and...
Called to Care: Biblical Images for Social Ministry
Treating the whole of Scripture, Robert Kysar forges the connections between the practice of social ministry and the biblical images undergirding and...
Becoming Family: How to Build a Stepfamily that Really Works
A practical, Christian guide for meeting the challenges of stepfamily life. More than one in five families with two parents is a stepfamily and eight...
Deeply Woven Roots: Improving the Quality of Life in Your Community
With insight born of experience and conviction, The Carter Center's Gary Gunderson suggests ways that congregations, religious leaders, and concerned...
The Church Enslaved: A Spirituality for Racial Reconciliation
Two of the most vocal activists on racial issues in the church seek nothing less than a conversion of American Christianity. They directly challenge the...
Empowerment Ethics for a Liberated People: A Path to African American Social Transformation
Cheryl Sanders here sharpens the agenda of black liberation by offering both a fresh reading of historical black religion and a distinctive approach to...
Mission under Scrutiny: Confronting Contemporary Challenges
What is Christian mission in a world post-everything? This volume is a masterful rethinking of the problems and prospect of the Christian vocation to mission in...
What is Mission?: Theological Explorations
This book fills the need for a single-volume introduction to the concept of Christian mission and the complex theological and practical issues revolving...
Becoming an Anti-Racist Church: Journeying toward Wholeness
Martin Luther King's observation that 11 a.m. on Sunday is the most segregated hour of the week remains all too true. Christians addressing racism in American...
Beyond Maintenance to Mission: A Theology of the Congregation
Here, in a newly revised edition, is a powerful and pertinent guide for congregations wanting to move away from 'maintenance thinking' to powerful, creative...
Mediating Faith: Faith Formation in a Trans-media Era
The church struggles with media. Whether it is a denomination negotiating the 24-hour news cycle or a church evaluating how online games influence the youth group, the role of media in the church, and the importance of understanding media for the church, has never been greater.
Power Surge: Six Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church
A powerful plan to transform church members into impassioned disciples. Drawing on his experience at Prince of Peace, Foss makes the case for transforming...
Reviving the Congregation: Pastoral Leadership in a Changing Context
Dr. Foss here offers a compelling introduction to the new context in which we lead our congregations and the personal and congregational strategies that will offer a way forward.
Shalom Church: The Body of Christ as Ministering Community
Watch Craig Nessan discuss his new book, Shalom Church. While many manuals advise clergy and...
Wide Welcome: How the Unsettling Presence of Newcomers Can Save the Church
Jessicah Krey Duckworth presents the stark differences between the established congregation and the disestablished one, intentionally equipped to facilitate the encounter between new and established members.
They Are Us, Second Edition: Lutherans and Immigration
By virtue of Lutheranism's identity in America as an immigrant church, Lutherans are specially placed to help lead conversations about immigration in the United States today. They Are Us explores the biblical, historical, theological, and cultural foundations for Lutheran participation in an issue with important implications for this nation. Based on professional experience and grounded in Christian faith, the authors make the case for immigration reform and call the church to a mission of evangelical hospitality.
Reclaiming the ''L'' Word: Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core
Reclaiming the "L" Word is a book about renewing congregations by recognizing and living out the core teachings of the Lutheran faith. In the introduction, the...
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