Augsburg Fortress

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  • Ladder to the Light: An Indigenous Elder's Meditations on Hope and Courage

    Ladder to the Light: An Indigenous Elder's Meditations on Hope and Courage

    Native America knows something about cultivating resilience and resisting darkness. Choctaw elder and Episcopal priest Steven Charleston offers words of hard-won hope, rooted in daily conversations with the Spirit and steeped in Indigenous wisdom. For all who yearn for hope, Ladder to the Light is a book of comfort, truth, and challenge in a time of anguish and fear. Night will not last forever. Together we can climb toward the light.



  • 30-Day Journey with Emily Dickinson

    30-Day Journey with Emily Dickinson

    Emily Dickinson's unique spirit and gorgeous language have secured her legacy as one of America's most original and most beloved poets. Whether you are a devoted reader or are discovering the beauty of her poetry for the first time, this journey provides the perfect way to engage the thought of this strikingly gifted poet.



  • Outlove: A Queer Christian Survival Story

    Outlove: A Queer Christian Survival Story

    In Outlove, Julie Rodgers details her deeply personal journey from a life of self-denial in the name of faith to her role in leading the take-down of Exodus International, the largest ex-gay organization in the world, to her marriage to a woman at the Washington National Cathedral. Rodgers's story sheds light on the debate between Evangelical Christians and the LGBTQ community, ultimately casting a hopeful vision for how the church can heal.



  • Subversive: Christ, Culture, and the Shocking Dorothy L. Sayers

    Subversive: Christ, Culture, and the Shocking Dorothy L. Sayers

    Known for her bestselling detective novels, Dorothy L. Sayers lived a fascinating, groundbreaking life as a novelist, feminist, Oxford scholar, and important influence on the spiritual life of C.S. Lewis. Subversive shows how Sayers ignites new ways to think about Christianity, shocking people into seeing the truth of ancient doctrine; inspiring believers to evaluate how and why their language perpetuates divisive certitude rather than the hopeful faith; and showing us all a better way forward.



  • Spirit Wheel: Meditations from an Indigenous Elder

    Spirit Wheel: Meditations from an Indigenous Elder

    From Choctaw elder Steven Charleston comes this new collection of more than two hundred prayerful meditations on the Spirit Wheel, the mystery that dwells behind and within creation. Charleston guides readers through the four hallmarks of Native spirituality - tradition, kinship, vision, and balance - to find the Spirit who loves without exception.



  • Beside Still Waters: Favorite Prayers, Poems, and Scriptures to Calm the Soul

    Beside Still Waters: Favorite Prayers, Poems, and Scriptures to Calm the Soul

    This small treasury is an essential source of wisdom, encouragement, and faith for every season.



  • The First Advent in Palestine: Reversals, Resistance, and the Ongoing Complexity of Hope

    The First Advent in Palestine: Reversals, Resistance, and the Ongoing Complexity of Hope

    Bringing us the untold--often hidden--story of Advent, Kelley Nikondeha takes us back to the original landscapes. Then, as now, Palestine was the geographic, socioeconomic, and political backdrop of the Gospel narratives that wrestle with dark themes of violence, exploitive economics, and abuse to arrive at the hard-won hope of Jesus's birth.



  • I Love My People

    I Love My People

    I Love My People is a poetic tribute to African American history-makers and culture-shakers, complete with nostalgic photography and vibrant, playful illustration. This book captures Black joy in all its resilient splendor.



  • Coming to God in the Stillness: Discovering the Power of Contemplative Prayer

    Coming to God in the Stillness: Discovering the Power of Contemplative Prayer

    In a simple style with very practical emphasis, Dutch Catholic spiritual leader Jim Borst outlines twelve stages of contemplative prayer, offering readers an easy-to-follow guide. Through this classic primer, discover the power of meeting God in the silence and stillness of contemplation.



  • Breath Prayer: An Ancient Practice for the Everyday Sacred

    Breath Prayer: An Ancient Practice for the Everyday Sacred

    Christine Valters Paintner, abbess of Abbey of the Arts, introduces us to the spiritual practice of breath prayer and offers beautiful poem-prayers for walking, working, dressing, cleaning, sitting in silence, doing the dishes, living in community--breathing the divine into our daily lives. Over time these recitations become as natural as breathing. We don't so much recite the prayers as the prayers recite us, guide us, and open our hearts to the everyday sacred.



  • Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul: How to Change the World in Quiet Ways

    Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul: How to Change the World in Quiet Ways

    We often assume social justice work is raised voices and raised fists. But for those who don't feel comfortable battling in the trenches, Dorcas Cheng-Tozun expands the possibilities of positive social impact, offering sensitive souls ways to meet a hurting world with a quieter, but equally passionate, path to collaborate for social good.



  • Brave: Women of the Bible and Their Stories of Grief, Mercy, Folly, Joy, Sex, and Redemption

    Brave: Women of the Bible and Their Stories of Grief, Mercy, Folly, Joy, Sex, and Redemption

    Following the success of Fierce, Alice Connor returns to introduce a new group of women from the Bible, some whose names we know, others who go unnamed. Connor invites us to see them not as players in a man's story, but as foremothers of the faith.

    Skillfully drawn by the author, these women's stories are challenging and beautiful. When we read their stories, we see not only their particular, formidable lives but also our own.



  • The Sandbox Revolution: Raising Kids for a Just World

    The Sandbox Revolution: Raising Kids for a Just World

    It is a complex time to be a parent. Our climate is in crisis, economic inequality is deepening, and violence is escalating. How can parents cultivate in their children a love of the earth, a cry for justice, and a commitment to nonviolence? Written by parents who are also writers, teachers, organizers, artists, gardeners, and activists, The Sandbox Revolution offers a diversity of voices and experiences to guide us on a journey of justice-focused parenting.



  • The Book of Nature: The Astonishing Beauty of God’s First Sacred Text

    The Book of Nature: The Astonishing Beauty of God’s First Sacred Text

    Before the sacred Scriptures were ever written, there was a much earlier text: The Book of Nature. Barbara Mahany invites us to discover an ancient theology that focuses on the text of God first revealed through creation--nature in all its kaleidoscopic turnings.



  • Flip It Like This!

    Flip It Like This!

    Aggravated women disciples, Jesus hugging rainbow sheep, a man praying "WTF?": the cartoons of David Hayward, the artist behind @NakedPastor, are graffiti on the walls of the church. This collection includes best-loved and never-before-seen cartoons that will challenge and inspire those grappling with the realities of the church as we know it.



  • The Gospel for Cat Lovers

    The Gospel for Cat Lovers

    This whimsical little book brings the joy and wisdom of cats to life in a whole new way, reminding us that knowing and loving cats is a wonderful blessing.



  • In Trembling Boldness: Wisdom for Today from Ancient Jesus People

    In Trembling Boldness: Wisdom for Today from Ancient Jesus People

    Contemporary reflections connected to recently discovered ancient writings by the followers of Jesus deepen our spiritual practice and affirm our efforts for social justice in today's challenging world in this first-of-its-kind book. Beautiful images of the papyrus and pottery on which these ancient texts were recorded illumine the stories.



  • Ask Me for a Blessing (You Know You Need One)

    Ask Me for a Blessing (You Know You Need One)

    Once a week Adrian Dannhauser stands outside her church with a sign that reads "Ask me for a blessing." What is a blessing? Do you have to believe to receive one? Dannhauser offers glimpses into the tender, holy, and funny moments she has with people looking for a blessing and delves into the power that ancient ideas hold in a disenchanted world.



  • The Mindful Grandparent: The Art of Loving Our Children's Children

    The Mindful Grandparent: The Art of Loving Our Children's Children

    Grandparenting is a sacred, challenging, and sometimes bewildering calling. As educators, writers, and grandmothers with twelve grandchildren between them, Marilyn McEntyre and Shirley Showalter team up to share practices, tips, and ideas for grandparenting with intention and grace.



  • Sacred Balance: Aligning Body and Spirit through Yoga and the Benedictine Way

    Sacred Balance: Aligning Body and Spirit through Yoga and the Benedictine Way

    In Sacred Balance, certified yoga instructor and spirituality blogger Melinda Emily Thomas helps you align body and spirit through two timeless traditions: yoga and the Benedictine Way. Studded with illustrations of basic yoga poses and ideas for wellness, prayers, and meditations, Sacred Balance offers an abundance of wisdom for daily life that guides us toward peace and wholeness.

