Augsburg Fortress

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  • Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear

    Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear

    The height of the AIDS crisis in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s left many profound stories that remained untold. In Hidden Mercy, gay Catholic journalist Michael O'Loughlin uncovers the stories of Catholics who at great personal cost chose compassion. A compelling picture of those who responded to human suffering with mercy, offering insights for LGBTQ and other people of faith struggling to find a home in religious communities today.



  • Portraits of Peace: Searching for Hope in a Divided America

    Portraits of Peace: Searching for Hope in a Divided America

    Frustrated with an increasingly polarized society, award-winning photographer John Noltner set out on a road trip across the US to rediscover the common humanity that connects us by asking people the simple question "What does peace mean to you?"



  • A More Perfect Union: A New Vision for Building the Beloved Community 

    A More Perfect Union: A New Vision for Building the Beloved Community 

    America is at a spiritual and political crossroads. A new narrative is needed to counter the discord in her politics and culture, a new way forward rooted in Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of community. A More Perfect Union calls for a shared vision that transcends partisanship to live out America's best ideals and realize a more perfect union.



  • Wild Woman: A Footnote, the Desert, and My Quest for an Elusive Saint

    Wild Woman: A Footnote, the Desert, and My Quest for an Elusive Saint

    In the dusty corner of a library, journalist Amy Frykholm discovers a footnote that leads her on a decades-long search for Mary of Egypt--runaway, prostitute, holy desert dweller, saint, and archetypal wild woman. As their storylines crisscross maps and centuries, the saint and the author meet at various thresholds, and both become more fully revealed as they enter the desert wild and wildly--in the embrace of the sacred.



  • The God Beat: What Journalism Says about Faith and Why It Matters

    The God Beat: What Journalism Says about Faith and Why It Matters

    In the 1960s and '70s a more personal, subjective, voice-driven journalism emerged, known as New Journalism. In the new century, those same tropes are used by religion writers who similarly scrutinize questions of faith and doubt while taking God-talk seriously. The God Beat brings together significant and characteristic samples of this emerging genre, helping us understand how we talk about God in public spaces--and why it matters--in a whole new way.



  • Wild Belief: Poets and Prophets in the Wilderness

    Wild Belief: Poets and Prophets in the Wilderness

    Wild Belief brings together a diverse and unique set of writers who span literary styles, genres, and time periods--but who are united in their search for spirit in the wild.

    Through them we discover the tension between our understanding of the wilderness as both a fearful and a sacred space, which makes it particularly apt for capturing the unknown and surprising elements of belief.



  • Jesus for Farmers and Fishers: Justice for All Those Marginalized by Our Food System

    Jesus for Farmers and Fishers: Justice for All Those Marginalized by Our Food System

    Food producers in America are in the midst of one of the most severe farm crises of the last half-century. Yet we are largely unaware of the plight of those whose hands and hearts toil to sustain us. In Jesus for Farmers and Fishers, Gary Nabhan offers a fresh look at the parables of Jesus to bring us into a heart of compassion for those in the food economy hit by this crisis.



  • In My Grandmother's House: Black Women, Faith, and the Stories We Inherit

    In My Grandmother's House: Black Women, Faith, and the Stories We Inherit

    A grandmother's theology carries wisdom strong enough for future generations. In the pages of In My Grandmother's House, public theologian Yolanda Pierce builds an everyday womanist theology rooted in liberating scriptures, stories from the Black church, and truths from Black women's lives. The Divine has been showing up at the kitchen tables of Black women for a long time. It's time to get to know that God.



  • IRL: Finding Realness, Meaning, and Belonging in Our Digital Lives

    IRL: Finding Realness, Meaning, and Belonging in Our Digital Lives

    It's easy to view our online presence as fake, to see the internet as a space we enter when we aren't living our real, offline lives. IRL, Chris Stedman's insightful exploration of authenticity in the digital age, shines a light on how age-old notions of realness can be freshly understood in our online lives. Stedman invites readers to consider how they use the internet to fulfill the essential need to feel real, online and off.



  • The Poet and the Fly: Art, Nature, God, Mortality, and Other Elusive Mysteries

    The Poet and the Fly: Art, Nature, God, Mortality, and Other Elusive Mysteries

    In this revelatory book, Robert Hudson considers seven poets, each of whom wrote a provocative poem about a fly. Considering Emily Dickinson, William Blake, and several other poets, The Poet and the Fly brings together the poetry, the flies, and the poets' own lives to explore the imaginative, and often prophetic, insights that come from the startling combination of poetry and flies, the extraordinary and the ordinary.

