Augsburg Fortress


Assembly song collections from leading poets and composers to enrich the worship life of the church.

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  • Susan Palo Cherwien has written four volumes of hymn texts paired with either new or existing tunes. A deep care for the English language is evident in her graceful and expressive poetry that is based on a solid understanding of Christian theology and a wise awareness of the human condition. Living in Wonder marks the fourth and final collection in this series.

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  • Twenty-three hymn texts by Jeannette M. Lindholm that give careful and thoughtful voice to the mystery and wonder of God and God’s people. Her poetry not only invites us to sing but to examine and expand the metaphors we use for God in our worship and devotion.

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  • Paul Weber’s hymn writing is patterned after Luther’s conviction for spiritual songs that reflect a strong theological foundation, an esteem for the historic liturgy, and an understanding of the importance of congregational song for faith and worship.

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  • Thomas Pavlechko’s hymn tunes give voice to the poetry of Mary Louise Bringle, Susan Palo Cherwien, John Core, Ralph E. Freeman, John Thornburg, Brian Wren, and many others. Each tune has been crafted with the assembly in mind, adding fresh and creative music to the worship life of the church.

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  • A collection of hymns and songs by Rusty Edwards with a variety of themes including creation, celebration, and justice. Titles include “As Sunshine to a Garden,” “Be a Searchlight,” and “Hallelujah! Sing to Our God.” The publication also includes detailed topical/thematic, scriptural and metrical indexes.

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