Augsburg Fortress

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  • We Shall Walk through the Valley

    We Shall Walk through the Valley

    Undine Smith Moore’s arrangement of this African American spiritual is both accessible and gorgeous. Perfect for the First Sunday in Lent or as a companion anthem whenever Psalm 23 is scheduled.

    Voicing: SATB
    Difficulty: Easy-Medium
    Use: Ash Wednesday; Holy Week; Lent & Holy Week

  • I Believe This Is Jesus

    I Believe This Is Jesus

    A spirited arrangement of a traditional spiritual with infectious vocal lines. The text is both a proclaimation of faith and an invitation for all to come and...

    Voicing: SATB/4-part mixed
    Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
    Use: Epiphany


  • Lord, Have Mercy

    Lord, Have Mercy

    Here is an expressive and dynamic anthem from Undine Smith Moore, featuring original music in the style of an African American spiritual. Ideal for Lent or anytime a choral setting of the Kyrie is needed.

    Voicing: SATB
    Difficulty: Medium
    Use: Advent; Lent & Holy Week

  • I Will Trust in the Lord: Five Spirituals

    I Will Trust in the Lord: Five Spirituals

    This collection showcases five of Undine Smith Moore's spirituals edited by Anton Armstrong, who includes an instructional forward written for this edition.

    Difficulty: Medium-Difficult



  • Oh, That Bleeding Lamb

    Oh, That Bleeding Lamb

    The St. Olaf Series brings this classic spiritual back into print. Moore is a much revered black composer whose works have been performed by choirs throughout the country.

    Voicing: SATB/4-part mixed
    Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
    Use: Lent & Holy Week



  • I Would Be True

    I Would Be True

    Augsburg Fortress is delighted to republish this beautiful SAB anthem, originally published in 1979, by Undine Smith Moore with inspiring poetry of Howard A. Walter.

    Voicing: SATB, Pno
    Difficulty: Easy-Medium
    Use: General; Ordinary Time

  • Long Fare You Well

    Long Fare You Well

    Undine Smith Moore’s arrangement of the lesser-known spiritual “Long Fare You Well” builds on the expressive melody and concludes in a glorious final stanza. 

    Voicing: SATB
    Difficulty: Medium
    Use: General