Augsburg Fortress

Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care

Bonhoeffer says spiritual care is a function of the congregation and that it is an aspect of the broader, more encompassing activity of proclamation. In Spiritual Care, we are confronted with the awesome truth that in speech God's presence is known and that speech is also our own; in silence God's presence is known and that silence is also our own. The text demands us to consider how the gospel message is brought to people in the midst of their personal lives, and his message and counsel use the tools given within the traditional life of the church so that such grace becomes enacted, enfleshed, and incarnate in the Christian community.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800618742
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 128
  • Publication Date October 1, 1985


"Not only does Bonhoeffer provide a theological base for pastoral theology, but he offers advice on many familiar ministerial tasks, such as conducting baptisms, funerals and weddings. Here is a new portrait of Bonhoeffer—the shepherd of seminarians."
— The Christian Ministry

"This little book is a mine of wisdom and detailed practical advice on how to exercise spiritual care of both kinds."
— The Living Church