Augsburg Fortress

Justification: The Article by Which the Church Stands or Falls

Justification: The Article by Which the Church Stands or Falls

In Part I, Braaten assesses Luther's view of justification and its subsequent interpretation by orthodoxy, by Calvin, by Ritschl and Harnack, by Tillich, and by Barth. In Part II, the discussion turns to ecumenical dialogues on justification and the relation of the doctrine to evangelization, to the distinction between law and gospel, to pastoral care, and to the church's involvement in secular issues.

Always lucid, often challenging, this book will stimulate thought and discussion beyond confessional lines.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800624033
  • Dimensions 5.37 x 8.43
  • Pages 192
  • Publication Date January 1, 1990


Here we stand—at the crossroads of decision concerning our identity and future as confessing heirs of the Reformation. For many, this decision centers on the doctrine of justification by faith alone—especially its capacity for reinterpretation that can address the real needs of men and women today.