Augsburg Fortress

Making Moral Decisions: A Christian Approach to Personal and Social Ethics

Making Moral Decisions: A Christian Approach to Personal and Social Ethics

The question "What am I to do?" needs the balance and completion of "What are we to do?" With clarity and insight Jersild addresses the particular need of our time: a great awareness of our interdependence as a world community.

The relationship between private and public morality is clarified by exploring such questions as: "What prompts Christians to disagree on moral issues?" "Is there a Christian morality?" and "How are convictions related to decisions?"

Using critical incidents or cases to illustrate ethical points, Jersild examines such contemporary issues as euthanasia, employment and one's sense of vocation, homosexuality, and more.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800624712
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 128
  • Publication Date March 1, 1991


"Making Moral Decisions is an uncommonly sensible and engaging introduction to ethics that will fill an immense void. I am pleased to endorse this excellent book with real enthusiasm. It deserves the widest possible audience."

--Arthur Simon, President
Bread for the World

"Helpful for those looking for deeper understanding of the problem which beset congregations."

--Noel E. Weiss

Table of Contents

1. Being a Christian in Today's World
2. The Bible as Authority for Moral Life
3. From Convictions to Decisions
4. Facing Some Moral Dilemmas
5. The Church in Society
6. Christians on the Left and Right