Augsburg Fortress

Soul and Psyche: The Bible in Psychological Perspective

Soul and Psyche: The Bible in Psychological Perspective

Here is a groundclearing work with the first comprehensive bibliography of the field in English. As the subtitle indicates, the book first surveys past research and then plots out a recommended course for the discipline. The first section is an inclusive survey of the diverse psychological approaches to Scripture from precursors in the early church to the developed approaches of the present. The implications of the researches of Freud, Jung, and the post-Freudians for biblical studies are carefully explored, along with studies of biblical scholars who have employed psychological approaches. Rollins seeks to establish an agenda for psychological criticism as a discipline with biblical studies. Major issues and concerns are addressed and explained in a perceptive and understandable manner.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800627164
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 288
  • Publication Date October 11, 1999