"The Paradoxical Vision is an extraordinarily level-headed and useful book. It provides something that Christians today badly need -- a kind of navigational chart for Christian political thinking, with all of the rocks and shoals, so numerous in present -- day political waters, clearly marked."
--Glenn Tinder
University of Massachusetts, Boston
"This is a good book that had to be written and it is our great fortune that Robert Benne has written it with such scholarly care, engaging lucidity, and persuasive force. The tangled connections between ultimate truth and penultimate questions of the public order are here untangled with great skill and imagination. The Paradoxical Vision is both an admirable summary of 'religion and society' disputes of the last several decades and a bracing proposal for thinking more clearly and acting more intelligently in the years ahead."
--Richard John Neuhaus
Editor in Chief, First Things
"This important volume should be read by all interested in public theology. It includes a superb overview of the growing literature and a fresh account of the recent neoconservative surge that brought Catholics and Evangelicals to the center of public theological debates after decades of liberationist emphasis in the ecumenical churches and seminaries -- all in his clear and persuasive style."
--Max L. Stackhouse
Princeton Theological Seminary