Augsburg Fortress

Counseling Adolescent Girls

Counseling Adolescent Girls

This book is an introduction to the worlds, lives, and struggles of diverse kinds and communities of girls that ministers and youth leaders are likely to encounter in the church. Issues such as spirituality, family relationships, sexuality, and school are explored from a cultural and contextual perspective. Problems typically associated with girls are explained, such as eating disorders, depression, and violence against girls. Pastoral care approaches to these issues and problems are provided. These helpful suggestions take seriously girls' spirituality and social context.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800629052
  • eBook ISBN 9781451415452
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 112
  • Publication Date March 1, 1996


"A remarkably insightful and informative book on the life experience and pastoral needs of young women. Inviting, illuminating and liberating, it fills a significant gap in the literature in pastoral care and counseling.
— Christie Cozad Neuger

"This is a powerfully confident and inspiringly hopeful book: Davis writes out of her unflagging, personally tested conviction that parents, pastors, youth leaders, teachers, and other concerned adults can—and do—make a real difference in adolescent girls' lives."
— Donald Capps
Princeton Theological Seminary

"This straightforward book, which brings together a wealth of current literature on the subject of adolescence, will be received with gratitude by anyone who wants to develop more positive relationships with adolescent girls."
— Carroll Saussy
Wesley Theological Seminary