Augsburg Fortress

Confirmation: Engaging Lutheran Foundations and Practices

Confirmation: Engaging Lutheran Foundations and Practices

In this volume, nine leading Lutheran scholars examine the theological, historical and educational foundations of confirmation ministry in the ELCA. Confirmation: Engaging Lutheran Foundations and Practices arms leaders with the creativity and innovation to meet the challenges of confirmation ministry.

This book identifies the key issues and concerns of today's confirmation ministry planners and deepens the educators' commitment to teaching the Lutheran faith to people of all ages—especially adolescents—in a way that is Gospel and grace-centered.

New patterns have emerged in congregational practices of confirmation ministry, adolescent research has yielded new insights for teachers, several catechetical curricula have been published, and ecumenical conversations have progressed and demand attention. A new generation of teachers and leaders has arisen and is asking for an in-depth look at confirmation today. And here it is.

This book is alive — alive with a vibrancy of excitement about ministry with youth and, above all, confirmation ministry. This is a book that is theoretical and practical, paying attention to the variety of contemporary practices in congregations and yet holding a solid continuity with the past heritage of the church. It answers questions such as:

  • What's happening in congregational confirmation ministry today?
  • Why do we have confirmation?
  • What is it?
  • How might we think about confirmation ministry in our own congregation?

The spirit of lively energy that permeates the chapters will engage readers in reflecting on their own role in confirmation ministry. And if this encourages them to become more deeply involved and reinvigorates them in their teaching and pastoral ministry to youth, if it moves them to prayer and to action and to wonder at the confirming grace of God in the lives of the baptized, then this book will have done its work.

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  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800631574
  • eBook ISBN 9781451413502
  • Dimensions 7 x 9.25
  • Pages 296
  • Season/Occasion Confirmation/Affirmation
  • Publication Date April 1, 1999

Table of Contents

Part 1: Lutheran Practices
Confirmation Ministry: Models and Stories-Mary E. Hughes
The Changing Face of Confirmation-Kent L. Johnson

Part 2: Lutheran Foundations
Lutheran Confirmation Ministry in Historical Perspective-Luther E. Lindberg
The Theology of Confirmation-Margaret A. Krych
The Content of Confirmation- Margaret A. Krych

Part 3: Confirmation Ministry: God's Work through Community
The Congregation as Confirming Community-Norma Cook Everist
Living in the Spirit-Robert L. Conrad
Adolescent Development- Diane J. Hymans
Lifelong Education and Pastoral Ministry-Nelson T. Strobert
Educational Approaches and Teaching Methods-Donald R. Just