Augsburg Fortress

The Lord's Prayer: A Text in Tradition

The Lord's Prayer: A Text in Tradition

This magisterial study surveys the contributions of biblical scholars and theologians from the early patristic writers to the modern era, from eastern and western traditions, and from Catholic and Reformed, Enlightenment and Modernist sources to the interpretation of the Lord's Prayer.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800636500
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 308
  • Publication Date March 19, 2004


''This project is full of promise and will attract wide interest. Kenneth Stevenson has the learning and wisdom to see this through. . . . Few others could tackle such a wide-ranging discussion.''
— Graham Stanton, University of Cambridge

Table of Contents

1. From the Bible to the Early Fathers
2. Western Fathers—Fourth to Seventh Centuries
3. Eastern Fathers—Fourth to Seventh Centuries
4. The Medieval West
5. The Late Middle Ages through the Reformation
6. From Enlightenment to Modernity