Augsburg Fortress

Church Administration: Programs, Process, Purpose

Church Administration: Programs, Process, Purpose

This comprehensive guide, from two experienced and thoughtful churchmen, treats each aspect of congregational governance as a sacred calling with an overriding religious mission.

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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9780800637422
  • eBook ISBN 9781451414660
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 352
  • Publication Date April 10, 2007


"Here pastors will find both what they need to know about church administration and, even more importantly, why they need to know it for faithful and fruitful ministry."

Lovett H. Weems Jr., Wesley Theological Seminary, author of Church Leadership: Vision, Team, Culture, and Integrity

"More than simply a 'how to' manual delineating the nuts and bolts of what is needed to 'run' a local congregation or church-related agency, this book is an invitation to join a well-informed conversation on the sacred responsibility of leading, managing, and nurturing a faith community. To this conversation, Bacher and Cooper-White bring not only knowledge and experience but wisdom, insight, encouragement and theological perspective."

R. Robert Cueni, President, Lexington Theological Seminary

"The authors provide a refreshing stream of thought for engaging the practical topic and 'holy calling' of administration. They combine history, biblical illustrations, and organizational wisdom to propose a thorough approach for the practice of administration. I highly recommend this as an excellent resource for anyone serving in administrative leadership."

The Rev. Dr. Marion Wyvetta Bullock, Executive for Leadership Development, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

"This book is an answer to many questions I have fielded over the years, especially from local church and regional leaders! It is a creative mix of the very practical with the theoretical to produce an excellent resource for a variety of church leaders. This will be high on my recommended list in the months to come. It is a valuable resource for every pastor and trustee as well as a number of other regional church leaders and affiliated organizations."

Rev. Cheryl H. Wade, Associate General Secretary and Treasurer, American Baptist Churches USA