Augsburg Fortress

Documents and Images for the Study of Paul

Documents and Images for the Study of Paul

The world surrounding Paul and the assemblies comes vividly to life here. Documents and Images for the Study of Paul gathers representative texts illustrating Jewish practices, Greco-Roman moral exhortation, biblical interpretation, Roman ideology, apocalyptic visions, epistolary conventions, and more to illustrate the complex cultural environment in which Paul carried out his apostolic work—and the manifold ways in which his legacy was reshaped in early Christianity.

Paul is the focus of intense and often controversial scholarly attention today. Brief, insightful introductions orient the reader to the significance of ancient sources for different contemporary interpretations of Paul's life and thought. Photographs illustrate the visual environment of the Greco-Roman world; a map, a timeline, and an index of scripture passages make the sourcebook the perfect companion text for studying Paul and his letters.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800663759
  • eBook ISBN 9781451415148
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 432
  • Publication Date November 1, 2010


"This is a foundational work for everyone who wants to learn more about Paul and the cultural, political, and religious environment of the Apostle's work and his letters. It should accompany all studies of Paul's genuine letters."
—Helmut Koester
Harvard Divinity School

"From the first pages—worth the price of the book—to the last, this valuable tool will enrich any study of Paul."
—Calvin Roetzel
Arnold Lowe Professor of Religious Studies
Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Author of Paul: The Man and the Myth