Augsburg Fortress

The Season of Creation: A Preaching Commentary

The Season of Creation: A Preaching Commentary

As the global climate crisis worsens, many churches have sought to respond by instituting a movement to observe a liturgical season of creation. Scholars who have pioneered the connections between biblical scholarship, ecological theology, liturgy, and homiletics provide here a comprehensive resource for preaching and leading worship in this new season. Included are theological and practical introductions to observance of the season, biblical texts for its twelve Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, and astute commentary to help preachers and worship leaders guide their congregations into deeper connection with our imperiled planet.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780800696573
  • eBook ISBN 9781451416589
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 248
  • Publication Date July 1, 2011


"Here we see what worship can be like in a season devoted fully to creator and creation. Top notch biblical scholars have contributed commentaries to help church leaders to hear the voice of the Earth and the voice of the poor in the texts, in the sacraments, and in the practical experience of healing Earth. So timely and so inspiriting!"
—Carol S. Robb
Margaret Dollar Professor of Christian Social Ethics
San Francisco Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union


Review in Interpretation