Augsburg Fortress

Grieving the Death of a Friend

Grieving the Death of a Friend

The death of a friend is one of the most significant but unrecognized experiences of grief in American culture. In this unique book, Harold Ivan Smith guides the reader to move with rather than against the natural grief process as he explores its many aspects, including the friending, the passing, the burying, the mourning, the remembering, and the reconciling.
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  • Publisher Augsburg Books
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806628424
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 176
  • Season/Occasion Funeral
  • Publication Date April 25, 1996


"Like a cool hand on a feverish brow, Harold Ivan Smith offers soothing, compassionate words and 'been there' wisdom for anyone grieving the death of a friend. This is a man well acquainted with sorrow, who extends hope and a gentle road map to get you through your own unique grief experience. A much-needed resource for anyone who has ever said a last good-bye to a friend." --Liz Curtis Higgs author of Reflecting His Image ÒI have found this book to be remarkably challenging because it so realistically describes how most of us, and mostly men, avoid deep friendships. It is everywhere evident in this book that the author speaks with indisputable clarity about our need to rethink our own personal reasons for failing to enjoy the real blessings of deeper friendships.Ó ÑGranger Westberg author of Good Grief