Augsburg Fortress

Reclaiming the ''C'' Word: Daring to Be Church Again

Reclaiming the ''C'' Word: Daring to Be Church Again

God is up to something! God is on a mission to save and bless the world, and God calls the church to be part of this mission. That means getting focused, setting people free, taking action, expecting surprises, and being hopeful. A church on God's mission isn't a building or a building plus a pastor. It's people–people who carry out God's mission in the world.

Building on her bestselling book, Reclaiming the "L" Word, Kelly A. Fryer gives practical advice on how to transform our idea of church and what that means for our lives as Christians.

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  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806653198
  • eBook ISBN 9781451412444
  • Brand Lutheran Voices
  • Dimensions 5.25 x 7.25
  • Pages 128
  • Publication Date April 24, 2006