Augsburg Fortress

The Future of Lutheranism in a Global Context

The Future of Lutheranism in a Global Context

What are the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities for Lutheran theology and the Lutheran church around the world? Contributors from around the world explore issues of helping leaders in the contemporary church understand the shifting ground of Lutheranism in the twenty-first century.
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  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806690605
  • Dimensions 6 x 9
  • Pages 218
  • Publication Date October 17, 2007


Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro, General Secretary World YWCADr. Elewani Bethuel Farisani, Professor, School of Relgion and Theology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Rev. Peri Rasolondraibe, Malagasy Lutheran Church, and former director of the LWF Department for Mission and Development

Rev. Pongsak Limthongviratn, Director for Asian and Pacific Islander Ministries, ELCA Commission for Multicultural Ministries
Dr. J. Paul Rajashekar, Dean Lutheran Theological Seminary Philadelphia (India)

Central and South America
Rev. Dr. Winston Persaud, Professor of Systematic Theology, Wartburg Theological Seminary (Guyana and the Caribbean)
Rev. Victoria Cortez Rodriguez, Bishop Iglesia Luterana de Nicaragua "Fe y Esperanza" and LWF Vice-President for LatinAmerica and the Caribbean

Middle East
Rev. Munib Younan, Bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land

Rev. Maria Jepsen, Bishop North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church (Germany)
Rev. Per Lønning, Bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church Norway North America
Rev. Dr. Phyllis Anderson, President Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Rev. Mark Hanson, Presiding Bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Raymond Schulz, National Bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Professor Jan Pranger, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota