Augsburg Fortress

Hymn Accompaniments for Handbells: Advent and Christmas

Hymn Accompaniments for Handbells: Advent and Christmas

A must-have collection for any handbell choir! This reproducible collection of hymn accompaniments makes it easy to integrate handbells into worship during Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. Each hymn selection features an introduction to the hymn and a setting for the final stanza.

Settings include: Comfort, Comfort Now My People; Lost in the Night; Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers; Savior of the Nations Come; Angels, from the Realms of Glory; From Heaven Above; Hark! The Herald Angels Sing; I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve; Joy to the World; O Come, All Ye Faithful; Once in Royal David's City; O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright; Songs of Thankfulness and Praise

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  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Sheet Music
  • ISBN 9780806698076
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 11
  • Pages 52
  • Season/Occasion Advent; Christmas; Epiphany
  • Difficulty Medium-Difficult
  • Detailed Voicing handbells, 3-5 octave
  • Publication Date June 20, 2010

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