Augsburg Fortress

Making Sense of the Cross Participant Book

Making Sense of the Cross Participant Book

Listen in on a conversation between two people having an open and candid discussion about the cross. One assumes the role of teacher or coach, someone who has had the time and opportunity to study the faith in some depth. The other is curious, knows a little bit about the faith, and brings a lot of questions: So what’s with the cross? What does the cross say about God? What’s the big deal? Did Jesus have to die?

Chapter 1: A Man Hanging on a Tree
Chapter 2: Portraits and Perspectives
Chapter 3: Ransom and Victory
Chapter 4: Substitution, Satisfaction, and Sacrifice
Chapter 5: Example and Encouragement
Chapter 6: Event and Experience

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  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806698519
  • eBook ISBN 9781451426144
  • Brand Making Sense Series
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Publication Date December 1, 2011


"A wise educator has observed that the most difficult and most important courses are those of “Introduction.” This book is an “introduction” to the most crucial claims of Gospel faith. One notices immediately that the format is pedagogically designed with great intentionality. Then one notices that the dialogic exchanges are serious and genuine and without guile or manipulation. And finally one notices that the book is a disciplined engagement with the subject, taking seriously the deep attempts of the church at interpretation, but also honoring the inexplicable mystery of redemption in Christ. It will be lucky readers who enroll in this course in “Redemption 101”.
Walter Brueggemann
Columbia Theological Seminary
September 9, 2011

"David Lose has discovered a remarkably accessible way to help Christians dig deeper into a critical yet confounding mystery of the Christian faith: what do Christ’s death and resurrection mean? Making Sense of the Cross doesn’t impart truth, but rather reveals the many layers of cultural, historic and symbolic context of the cross for the sake of continued inquiry. Set your assumptions, fears and doubts aside as we explore, together, one of Christ’s most compelling questions: Who do you say that I am? 
Christian Piatt 
Author of "Banned Questions of the Bible"

"Making Sense of the Cross contains a series of dialogues though which you will hear your own questions affirmed, taken seriously, and addressed. You will find words to express more carefully the things that confuse you about the cross. You will learn to make sense of language that is often repeated during discussions about the cross. But finally you will receive something even greater: You will be drawn personally into the event of the cross itself so that Christ himself meets you and raises you into new life."
Phil Ruge-Jones
Associate Professor of Theology at Texas Lutheran University
Author of "The Word of the Cross in a World of Glory"

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