Augsburg Fortress

Serving the Assembly's Worship: A Handbook for Assisting Ministers

Serving the Assembly's Worship: A Handbook for Assisting Ministers

The assisting minister provides, alongside the presiding minister, a consistent presence guiding the assembly’s worship, from Gathering to Sending. The assisting minister’s leadership in such a significant role will only improve by knowing some history and theology of the liturgy alongside practice with competent teachers.
In this small handbook you will find a brief history of assisting ministers in Christian worship, what makes a good assisting minister, a step-by-step walk through the role, and lots of tips and encouragement. Serving the Assembly’s Worship invites assisting ministers to approach this role not just as a task, but as a ministry to the whole assembly.
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  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781451478082
  • eBook ISBN 9781451479256
  • Brand Worship Matters
  • Pages 64
  • Dimensions 5.25 x 7.75
  • Publication Date September 5, 2013

Worship Matters Handbooks

Worship Matters Handbooks provide valuable resources for congregations that want to renew their worship life, deepen their understanding of worship as mission, and increase the involvement of lay people in leading worship. With important resources for pastors, those with worship roles, pre-marriage couples, families planning funerals, and more, these books cover the breadth and depth of the happenings in a church.

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