The Complete Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Series 17 Book set
The complete Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works set is now available in hardcover!
This wonderful series is a translation from the German editions of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Werke. Titles include:
Volume 1 Sanctorum Communio: A Theological Study of the Sociology of the Church, translation of Sanctorum Communio: Eine dogmatische Untersuchung zur Soziologie der Kirche
Volume 2 Act and Being: Transcendental Philosophy and Ontology in Systematic Theology, translation of Akt und Sein: Transzendentalphilosophie und Ontologie in der systematischen Theologie
Volume 3 Creation and Fall, translation of Schöpfung und Fall
Volume 4 Discipleship, translation of Nachfolge
Volume 5 Life Together, translation of Gemeinsames Leben and The Prayerbook of the Bible: An Introduction to the Psalms, translation of Das Gebetbuch der Bibel
Volume 6 Ethics, translation of Ethik
Volume 7 Fiction from Tegel Prison, translation of Fragmente aus Tegel
Volume 8 Letters and Papers from Prison, translation of Widerstand und Ergebung
Volume 9 The Young Bonhoeffer: 1918-1927, translation of Jugend und Studium: 1918-1927
Volume 10 Barcelona, Berlin, New York: 1928-1931, translation of Barcelona, Berlin, Amerika: 1928-1931
Volume 11 Ecumenical, Academic and Pastoral Work: 1931-1932, translation of Ökumene, Universität, Pfarramt: 1931-1932
Volume 12 Berlin: 1933, translation of Berlin: 1933
Volume 13 London: 1933-1935, translation of London: 1933-1935
Volume 14 Theological Education at Finkenwalde: 1935-1937, translation of Illegale Theologenausbildung: 1935-1937
Volume 15 Theological Education Underground: 1937-1940, translation of Illegale Theologenausbildung: 1937-1940
Volume 16 Conspiracy and Imprisonment: 1940-1945, translation of Konspiration und Haft: 1940-1945
Volume 17 Indexes and Supplementary Materials
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