Augsburg Fortress

Matthew Learner Guide: Books of Faith

Matthew Learner Guide: Books of Faith

Throughout history Matthew’s gospel has played a prominent role in Christian worship and practice, and to this day it retains a central place in most people’s experiences of the New Testament and the Christian faith. Matthew’s gospel speaks well to church communities today, identifying the church as founded by Jesus (16:18) and issuing practical instructions for practicing community (18:1-35). Matthew envisions the church as made up of sinners and doubters who struggle with faith, temptation, and forgiveness, but ultimately reflect the ministry and presence of Jesus.

This 8-session course explores selected passages from Matthew.
1. The Birth of the Messiah (Matthew 1:18—2:12)
2. This Is My Son, the Beloved (Matthew 3:13—4:11)
3. You Are the Salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:1-16 [17-20], 21-48)
4. You of Little Faith (Matthew 14:13-36)
5. Who Do You Say That I Am? (Matthew 16:13—17:9 [13])
6. Where Two or Three Are Gathered in My Name (Matthew 18:1-22 [23-35])
7. My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me? (Matthew 27:32-56)
8. I Am with You Always (Matthew 28:1-10 [11-15], 16-20)
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    • # of Items Price
    • 1 to 5$11.49
    • 6 to 10$10.92
    • 11 to 25$10.34
    • 26 to 50$9.77
    • 51 to 100$9.19
    • 101 or more$8.62


  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506416137
  • Brand Book of Faith
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Pages 52
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 11
  • Publication Date June 1, 2016

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