Augsburg Fortress

Using Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 3 Volume Set (Paperback)

Using Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 3 Volume Set (Paperback)

First published with the introduction of Evangelical Lutheran Worship and now available in paperback, these volumes lay out the vision and rationale behind this groundbreaking worship resource. They provide a blend of background information and practical, “how-to-use” helps. The first volume, The Sunday Assembly by Lorraine Brugh and Gordon Lathrop, focuses on the central liturgy of Christian worship, Holy Communion. The second volume, The Christian Life: Baptism and Life Passages by Dennis Bushkofsky and Craig Satterlee, looks at Holy Baptism and its related rites of Healing, Funeral, and Marriage. The third volume, Keeping Time: The Church’s Years by Gail Ramshaw and Mons Teig, examines the different ways Christians organize time, especially in the liturgical year. Together, these books are an essential guide to Lutheran worship in the twenty-first century. They are highly recommended for pastors, seminary students, and all who love Christian worship.
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  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506425139
  • Brand Evangelical Lutheran Worship
  • Season/Occasion Baptism; Communion; Funeral; Wedding
  • Publication Date November 15, 2016

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