Augsburg Fortress

Jobs Lost, Faith Found: A Spiritual Resource for the Unemployed

Jobs Lost, Faith Found: A Spiritual Resource for the Unemployed

Companionship and strategies for job seekers

Millions of people become unemployed every year, yet when job loss happens to us, we typically feel completely alone and often lost, ashamed, and afraid. No one knows how to comfort us when we lose our job. Unlike other griefs--when someone can say, "I'm sorry for your loss"--joblessness leaves family, friends, and acquaintances awkwardly searching for words.

Jobs Lost, Faith Found is for those who feel alone due to job loss. It is also for those who offer respect, companionship, guidance, and resources to the unemployed.

Mary C. Lindberg, pastor, chaplain, and spiritual director, draws on her family's experience of unemployment and the wisdom of many others, including sages from Scripture and the Christian tradition, to help readers discover a sense of worth and purpose on their way to a new job. She offers prayers, insights, Bible stories, and reflections to light the way during this time of uncertainty and wandering.

The path toward hope will be your own, but the ideas, reflections, and strategies in this book will get you started on your journey.


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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506427393
  • eBook ISBN 9781506434162
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 9 x 9
  • Pages 126
  • Publication Date August 1, 2018

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Dealing with Our Feelings about Job Loss 
Chapter 2 Thinking about Why We Work
Chapter 3 An Alphabet of Spiritual Tools to Cope with Job Loss and Job Search
Chapter 4 Ten Questions to Help You Get from Here (No Job) to There (Job)

Look Inside

Excerpt: Table of Contents
Excerpt: Introduction


Honest, vulnerable, practical, and pastoral...

“Honest, vulnerable, practical, and pastoral, Lindberg speaks words for that experience that seems to lack words of comfort: job loss. Guiding the reader through the reality of grief, her perspective invites readers to see how God works to bring hope and new life through a difficult experience.”

Mary Pandiani | spiritual development coach

For anyone dealing with job loss, this book will be a cherished companion...

Reading Jobs Lost, Faith Found feels like Lindberg walking with me, sharing her insights, offering new and comforting points of view, and reframing the experience as a valuable part of the faith journey. For anyone dealing with job loss, this book will be a cherished companion, providing many miles worth of fresh perspectives, useful tools, and quiet inspiration.”

Jeannette Banobi | Core Tanzania Non-Profit School

Oh, how I wish I had this remarkable resource fifteen years ago when both my husband and I lost our jobs...

Oh, how I wish I had this remarkable resource fifteen years ago when both my husband and I lost our jobs within months of each other. Lindberg’s wisdom and reflections would have been so healing to the devastation we felt at the time. The practical and spiritual guidance offered in this book are a gift to those struggling with the raw emotions of job loss. Lindberg helps the reader discover God’s blessings and grace by facing the challenge of joblessness. I highly recommend this as a genuinely useful book to anyone wanting to repurpose their life after job loss.

Cate Hillard | retired social service provider

For those who find themselves in the wilderness of job loss, this book provides comfort, guidance and hope...

For those who find themselves in the wilderness of job loss, this book provides comfort, guidance and hope—assuring us God is with us, even when everything else we've counted on crumbles. Part practical guidebook, part devotional resource, this beautifully written book offers the wisdom of others who have walked this path before us, questions for journaling and reflection that invite us to work through the losses and opportunities that accompany this experience, and a richly researched selection of prayers and Scripture to sustain us on the way.

Marcia Bates | Lutheran Counseling Network

...a hope-filled, grace-filled resource!

I recommend Jobs Lost, Faith Found to anyone encountering unemployment and looking to turn it into a meaningful time of heightened faithfulness. It offers practical tools for the ups and downs and fears encountered during this time of instability and transition. It is a hope-filled, grace-filled resource!”  

Emily Austin | chaplain

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