Augsburg Fortress

This Is the Church

This Is the Church

Here is the church, here is the steeple . . .

This update to the classic children's rhyme is an introduction to church for a new era, a whirlwind tour through all the wonderful things church can be and do and mean. From megachurches to little chapels to underground meetings, from welcoming to helping to feeding the hungry, church can be and do a lot of things. But ultimately that old rhyme said it best: the church is the people!

With gently rhyming text by Sarah Raymond Cunningham and the vibrant and diverse illustrations of Ariel Landy, This Is the Church is an ideal gift for baptisms, confirmations, or any occasion in which children are welcomed into the life of the body of Christ.

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  • Publisher Beaming Books
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506445328
  • eBook ISBN 9781506470542
  • Age/Grade Range 2-3; PreK-K; Grades 1-2; Grades 3-4
  • Dimensions 9 x 9
  • Pages 32
  • Publication Date January 28, 2020