All Creation Sings: Pew Edition
All Creation Sings goes hand in hand with Evangelical Lutheran Worship to support the church's mission of worship in word and sacrament that leads to service and justice in the world. This resource invites us to expand our song and prayer with timely attention to the health of our planetary home and the human community within it. Included are 200 hymns and songs, more than 30 of them multilingual and many being new since ELW was released. This body of song supports the rhythms of the whole church year and gives enlarged expression to themes of healing and wholeness, creation care, justice and peace, praise and lament. Here are two new communion services, one presented in Spanish and English, the other offering options for evening use. Also included are a contemplative service of word and prayer as well as more than 50 additional prayer resources, rounding out nearly 70 pages of liturgy content.
Explore the preview of All Creation Sings in the Samples section on this page. Note especially the Adult Forum Outline for Congregations Adopting All Creations Sings in Print to assist you in sharing with your congregation the benefits of holding this worship supplement in your hands.
For more information—including teaching videos, blog posts, introductory material, and samples—visit the All Creation Sings webpage.
Information regarding using content from this resource on a live stream: Licensing for Streaming Worship Services.
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