Augsburg Fortress

The Animals Speak: A Christmas Eve Legend

The Animals Speak: A Christmas Eve Legend

A fresh retelling of a Christmas legend, told through joyful song by the first witnesses to the baby in the manger: the animals.

Long ago and even today, the story is told of how all the animals in the world, at the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve, speak. With their newfound power of speech, the animals rejoice at the birth of Jesus, born humbly in a manger and surrounded by animals. Singing in treetops, braying in stables, barking in yards--the animals all rejoice and proclaim, "The Child is come."

With rich illustrations and lyrical text, Newbery Honor Award-winner Marion Dane Bauer delights readers of all ages with this fresh telling of a classic Christmas legend.

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  • Publisher Beaming Books
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506466439
  • eBook ISBN 9781506466880
  • Age/Grade Range Children
  • Dimensions 8.75 x 11.25
  • Pages 32
  • Season/Occasion Advent; Christmas
  • Publication Date October 5, 2021


"In a perfect combination of lilting prose and radiant art, this age-old story feels brand new. Rejoice!"

Kathi Appelt, author of more than forty books for children and young adults

"The nativity story pared to its sweet, strong, and timeless essentials. Families will surely enjoy this book as a joyous seasonal read-aloud."

Sarah Ellis, children's writer and librarian

"A vivid retelling of the Christmas story that emphasizes joy, both now and long ago."

Laura Kvasnosky, children's book author and illustrator

"In spare, lyrical text Marion Dane Bauer retells the legend of animals speaking at the manger on Christmas Eve. A gentle and loving reminder that we are all God's creatures."

Phyllis Root, author of fifty books for children, including Big Momma Makes the World


"Baugus's bold color and luminous digital spreads convey a sense of reverence and joy in this calm picture book."
Publishers Weekly