Augsburg Fortress

Prelude Music Planner

Prelude Music Planner

Prelude Music Planner is a miracle in music planning. This subscription web-based tool provides a wealth of music, thoughtful commentary, and time-saving tools for the church musician. Prelude allows you to quickly organize and plan music for each week, dig into rich commentary around the weekly readings, and discover new music suggestions. You can explore a wealth of new music while getting the most out of your existing music library and download the music you need, right when you need it. Learn more

We are unable to offer trials or subscriptions to Prelude to persons or organizations outside of the United States due to copyright restrictions on many hymns in the Prelude library.
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OnDemand Training Library

Do you want to see a demonstration of Prelude Music Planner? Delve deeper into its content and functionality? We have developed a free OnDemand Training Library with both overviews and “quick tip” video tutorials. Whether you are a subscriber or curious to learn more, this library has much to offer.


Prelude Music Planner

Music planning made easy. Purchase and download music instantly, access Evangelical Lutheran Worship service music, and save with a 20% discount on Augsburg Fortress print music. We offer free webinars about Prelude Music Planner.

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Subscriptions to Prelude Music Planner may be ordered online by people or organizations located in these countries:

United States of America

Contact 800-328-4648, Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM CDT to check on availability in other countries.