The Measure of a Man
Why nonviolence matters Eloquent and passionate, reasoned and sensitive, this pair of meditations by the revered civil-rights leader contains the...
Strength to Love: Gift Edition
"If there is one book Martin Luther King, Jr. has written that people consistently tell me has changed their lives, it is Strength to Love." So wrote Coretta...
African Theology on the Way: Current Conversations
In this exciting volume, Diane B. Stinton has assembled the work of nearly twenty prominent African theologians, making their writings accessible to the introductory level student.
Witnessing and Testifying: Black Women, Religion, and Civil Rights
After a chapter exploring black women's religious context and presenting early examples of this work by women of the ante-bellum and post-Reconstruction eras,...
Down in the Valley: An Introduction to African American Religious History
This book provides a comprehensive overview of African American religious history from the African Traditional Religions, slavery, the development of black churches, the rise of black new religious movements, and the Civil Rights movement to the emergence of black megachurches, and examines contemporary issues and challenges facing the study of African American religion today.
Behind the Public Veil: The Humanness of Martin Luther King Jr.
What was Martin Luther King Jr. really like? In this groundbreaking volume, Lewis V. Baldwin answers this question by focusing on the man himself. Drawing on the testimonies of friends, family, and closest associates, this volume adds much-needed biographical background to the discussion, as Baldwin looks beyond all of the mythic, messianic, and iconic images to treat King in terms of his fundamental and vivid humanness.
Breaking Bread, Breaking Beats: Churches and Hip-Hop - A Basic Guide to Key Issues
In this innovative project, ten individuals write as one voice to illuminate the ways that hip-hop and the Black Church agree, disagree, and inform each other on key topics.
A Child Shall Lead Them: Martin Luther King Jr., Young People, and the Movement
Half a century after some of its most important moments, the assessment of the Civil Rights Era continues. In this exciting volume, Dr. Rufus Burrow turns his attention to a less investigated but critically important byway in this powerful story—the role of children and young people in the Civil Rights Movement.
The Journey and Promise of African American Preaching
African American congregations have long been celebrated as a locus for powerful, prophetic preaching, but at its best they have also embraced a strong pastoral...
Creative Exchange: A Constructive Theology of African American Religious Experience
At least until recently, most African Americans would know what is meant by "the black church" or by "African American religion." But now,...
Crisis in the Village: Restoring Hope in African American Communities
Robert M. Franklin provides first-person advice and insight as he identifies the crises resident within three anchor institutions that have played key roles in...
Blow the Trumpet in Zion!: Global Vision and Action for the Twenty-First-Century Black Church
This volume's contributors dynamic and progressive African American church leaders advocate the prophetic powers of black theology, preaching, and...
Virtues and Values: The African and African American Experience
This brief volume is excerpted from Peter Paris's popular and influential work The Spirituality of African Peoples on African and African American Spirituality....
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Living Stones in the Household of God: The Legacy and Future of Black Theology
The advent of black theology in the late 1960s brought together a revolution in the nation's race relations with a new theological reckoning and a reassessment...
Terror and Triumph: The Nature of Black Religion
Given the unique history of African Americans and its diverse religious flowering—in Black Christianity, the Nation of Islam, Voodoo, and...
The Bible and African Americans: A Brief History
The unique encounter of African Americans with the Bible has shaped centuries of spirituality and social engagement of a whole continent. Highly respected...
Fortress Introduction to Black Church History
A concise and accessible history. A brief history of black Christian churches in the United States has long been needed. Larger sociological and historical...
Down, Up, and Over: Slave Religion and Black Theology
Hopkins contends that the lives of enslaved African Americans were the foundational source of liberating faith and practice for African Americans today....
Varieties of African American Religious Experience
Anthony Pinn's engrossing survey highlights the rich diversity of black religious life in America, revealing manifestations of an ever-changing black...
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