Preaching to Every Pew: Cross-Cultural Strategies
The growing cultural diversity of American society is mirrored in the pews and parishes of mainline denominations and represents a dynamic challenge to the...
Counseling Women: A Narrative, Pastoral Approach
In this signal volume, Christie Neuger offers a new feminist paradigm for radical, effective, empowering counseling for women. She contends that pastors must...
Listening Ministry: Rethinking Pastoral Leadership
This book presents a unique blend of theological reflection on listening, new and tested research on listening as it relates to church leadership, and...
Sexual Shame: An Urgent Call to Healing
This is the book that will provide pastors and congregational leadership the tools to identify the assumptions, behaviors, and structures that promote, while...
Strategies for Brief Pastoral Counseling
More and more professionals in ministry realized the benefits of brief pastoral counseling?typically three sessions?for addressing the real-life...
Trauma and Evil: Healing the Wounded Soul
This book helps those who provide care to victims of abuse and violence add to their knowledge base an understanding of evil. The authors "demythologize" evil...
In Her Own Time: Women and Developmental Issues in Pastoral Care
This new guidebook by leading pastoral theologians challenges much in contemporary developmental theory. Arguing that women's developmental stages cannot...
What is Mission?: Theological Explorations
This book fills the need for a single-volume introduction to the concept of Christian mission and the complex theological and practical issues revolving...
Caring for God's People: Counseling and Christian Wholeness
Culbertson has built his text around the ideal of Christian wholeness and maturity?a healthy interconnectedness of self-within-community. The heart of...
The Pastor as Moral Guide
Adultery, divorce, racism, teen pregnancy, white-collar crime, living wills—these are among the many complex moral issues that Christians face and for...
Becoming Family: How to Build a Stepfamily that Really Works
A practical, Christian guide for meeting the challenges of stepfamily life. More than one in five families with two parents is a stepfamily and eight...
Pastoral Diagnosis: A Resource for Ministries of Care and Counseling
Pastoral Diagnosis is the first book-length analysis of pastoral assessment of parishioners' presenting problems to be published in the last two decades. In...
Competency-Based Counseling: Building on Client Strengths
This book demonstrates how counselors can help people to use the resources they already have so they can address issues that come up in life. The authors...
Depression and Hope: New Insights for Pastoral Counseling
This year one in ten adults will experience the isolation and inner barrenness of major depression. It is second only to marital difficulties in causing...
Living Stories: Pastoral Counseling in Congregational Context
Pastoral counseling, Donald Capps believes, should not be just another servicelike chartered toursthat churches provide for their members. Rather,...
Deeply Woven Roots: Improving the Quality of Life in Your Community
With insight born of experience and conviction, The Carter Center's Gary Gunderson suggests ways that congregations, religious leaders, and concerned...
Preaching as Local Theology and Folk Art
Explains how to analyze a congregation so the sermon really fits the listeners. Provides practical helps for preparing and delivering sermons that are meaningful and appropriate.
The Threat of Life: Sermons on Pain, Power, and Weakness
These twenty-two sermons from a master interpreter demonstrate how ancient texts can speak to the whole gamut of human experience even now. Included in...
The Effective Pastor: A Guide to Successful Ministry
This highly practical step-by-step look at the life and role of the pastor is helpful for newly ordained clergy as well as the experienced pastor looking for...
Through the Eyes of Women
A comprehensive survey of care of women, by women, from a religious standpoint results from the collaboration of nineteen leading women in the field of...
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