Preaching Christian Doctrine
William J. Carl III confronts the problem of using theological language in preaching through a combination of serious theological reflection, rhetorical...
Called by God to Serve: Reflections for Church Leaders
Church councils and leadership groups will discover ten helpful devotional reflections and discussion starters for a three-year cycle, focusing on the task of...
Reclaiming the ''C'' Word: Daring to Be Church Again
God is up to something! God is on a mission to save and bless the world, and God calls the church to be part of this mission. That means getting focused,...
A Future without Walls: Confronting Our Divisions
A Future without Walls offers a comprehensive and complex analysis of Othering, while unveiling the connections between our divisions and the roots, forms, and consequences of the walls that have been erected. The dividing walls are more than a problem calling for a quick fix. They are embedded in both our history and our current culture and demand fundamental transformation. The book offers concrete steps forward to help us dismantle these walls.
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Embodied Liturgy: Lessons in Christian Ritual
Embodied Liturgy marks a "return to the body" in thinking about Christian liturgy as it considers the offices of prayer, liturgical calendar, sacraments, music and more.
Aging and Loving: Christian Faith and Sexuality in Later Life
In Aging and Loving: Christian Faith and Sexuality in Later Life, James Childs addresses the social, ethical, physical, and spiritual issues related to sexuality and aging. The book is written for various professionals who minister to the aged (pastors, chaplains, other care providers), for the aging and aged themselves, and for their families. The book provides an ethical account of Christian love that liberates as it engages the special issues of sexuality in later life.
$21.00Save 75%
Creating a Healthier Church: Family Systems Theory, Leadership, and Congregational Life
Ronald W. Richardson helps us to understand how congregations function emotionally. Without being simplistic, he gives clear directions on how to improve...
Preaching to the Choir: The Care and Nurture of the Church Choir, Second Edition
Preaching to the Choir imparts practical and pastoral wisdom to church musicians in their vocation as choir directors. This updated second edition attends to recent challenges choir directors have encountered and provides guidance as they look to the future, always with a sense of the Spirit’s presence, a deep care for those who sing, and a warm sense of humor.
Clergy Burnout, Revised and Expanded: Surviving in Turbulent Times
In Clergy Burnout, Fred Lehr explores the nature and practice of codependence in the life and ministry of clergy. In short, insightful, and easily accessible chapters, he offers many useful examples along with hard-won and carefully distilled wisdom for ministry amid today's cultural shifts.
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Leading with the Sermon: Preaching as Leadership
Prolific author William H. Willimon makes the compelling case that two key pastoral tasks--preaching and leadership--complement, correct, strengthen, and inform one another. Preaching is the distinctive function of pastoral leaders. Leadership of the church, particularly during a challenging time of transition in mainline Protestantism, has become a pressing concern for pastors. This book shows how the practices, skills, and intentions of Christian preaching can be helpful to the leadership of a congregation.
The Church in Act: Lutheran Liturgical Theology in Ecumenical Conversation
This book explores the dynamics of ecclesial and liturgical theology, examining the body of Christ in action.
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Treasures Old and New: Images in the Lectionary
In Treasures Old and New Gail Ramshaw illuminates forty primary images from the three-year lectionary. With each of the images she considers related terms,...
Faithful yet Changing: The Church in Challenging Times
"I have a passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ, a love for the people of God, and an ache for the brokenness of the world," declares Mark S. Hanson, newly...
Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology
Cyril of Jerusalem wrote about "holy things." He thereby reflected the communion invitation used in his fourth-century liturgy to call...
A Path to Belonging: Overcoming Clergy Loneliness
Fifty percent of Americans, including clergy, are lonely, according to leadership development consultants Mary Kay DuChene and Mark Sundby. In A Path to Belonging: Overcoming Clergy Loneliness, they offer research, tools, and remedies for clergy to embark on the path toward a healthy sense of contentment and belonging and more effective leadership.
20 Myths about Religion and Politics in America
The way most people think about religion and politics is only loosely linked to empirical reality, argues Ryan P. Burge. In 20 Myths about Religion and Politics in America, Burge strives to be an impartial referee and to overcome these caustic misperceptions by using both rigorous data analysis and straightforward explanations.
The Divine Art of Dying, Second Edition:Living Well to Life's End
The Divine Art of Dying aims to empower people who are dying to live as fully as they can until life's end. The book includes reflections from Karen Speerstra's hospice journal and essays written jointly by Speeratra and Herbert Anderson on learning to wait, letting go, giving gifts, and telling stories. Each chapter has suggestions for caregivers.
Managing Congregations in a Virtual Age
In Managing Congregations in a Virtual Age, John W. Wimberly Jr. draws on the experience of the business community, and on a diverse group of skilled pastors and rabbis, as he lays out the opportunities and challenges of working from home for congregations and staff, offering principles and best practices for successfully managing remote workers and ministries. This comprehensive guide will serve congregations well into the future, even as technology and circumstances change.
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Mission Rift: Leading through Church Conflict
In Mission Rift, David E. Woolverton reorients our view of congregational conflict. In part 1, he examines conflict from a theological and ecclesiological framework, exploring why it may be essential to discipleship and mission. In part 2, he presents six principles of missional leadership, challenging pastors and other leaders to create environments that use conflict as a tool to facilitate growth and empower a congregation's witness within the community and beyond.
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Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organizing, 2nd Edition
Doing Justice introduces people of faith to congregation-based community organizing rooted in the day-to- day struggles and hopes of urban ministry. Drawing from the author’s decades of...
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