Augsburg Fortress

Products (286)
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  • Healers-Harmed and Harmful

    Healers-Harmed and Harmful

    "This book explores the factors that can lead a religious professional either to become depressed or to interact with others in inappropriate ways. ... ...



  • Woman Battering

    Woman Battering

    This book was written as a practical response to many ministers who approached the author after they did not know what to say to a woman suffering violence...



  • Counseling Men

    Counseling Men

    Counseling Men opens the way for men to discuss and discover their fears and losses in conversation with clergy, pastoral counselors, and lay caregivers.



  • Brief Pastoral Counseling: Short-Term Approaches and Strategies

    Brief Pastoral Counseling: Short-Term Approaches and Strategies

    Most pastoral counselors, clergy, and psychotherapists assume that truly effective counseling requires months or even years. Research suggests otherwise....



  • Integrative Family Therapy

    Integrative Family Therapy

    Pastoral counselors, therapists-in-training and clergy are usually introduced to one method of family assessment and treatment, which works better in some...



  • Ministry and the American Legal System: A Guide for Clergy, Lay Workers, and Congregations

    Ministry and the American Legal System: A Guide for Clergy, Lay Workers, and Congregations

    Written for persons who are not lawyers, accountants, or quasi-legal specialists, this book offers congregations and religious professionals practical...



  • Pastoral Care and the Means of Grace

    Pastoral Care and the Means of Grace

    The emphasis on pastoral freedom is nearly spent?and found wanting. Many caregivers today are seeking to balance such freedom with a sense of God's...



  • The Skilled Pastor: Counseling as the Practice of Theology

    The Skilled Pastor: Counseling as the Practice of Theology

    A splendid volume detailing the specific skills necessary for sound pastoral guidance in various situations. The author integrates theological reflection...



  • Pastoral Theology: A Black-Church Perspective

    Pastoral Theology: A Black-Church Perspective

    A taut analysis of black liberation theology, connecting scholarship to practical congregational ministry. The chapters of this book focus on liberation and...



  • Called to Care: Biblical Images for Social Ministry

    Called to Care: Biblical Images for Social Ministry

    Treating the whole of Scripture, Robert Kysar forges the connections between the practice of social ministry and the biblical images undergirding and...



  • The Embodied Word: Preaching as Art

    The Embodied Word: Preaching as Art

    Liturgy as the work of God's people gives the preacher a place to stand—an organic connection with an intentional sacramental community, says Rice. The...



  • Theology Is for Proclamation

    Theology Is for Proclamation



  • Reframing: A New Method in Pastoral Care

    Reframing: A New Method in Pastoral Care



  • The Pastor: Readings From the Patristic Period

    The Pastor: Readings From the Patristic Period



  • Ethics in Ministry: A Guide for the Professional

    Ethics in Ministry: A Guide for the Professional

    An ethical guide for clergy and laypersons who deal with "the vexing questions that arise in the daily life of a minister at work." The authors discuss...



  • Preaching and the Literary Forms of the Bible

    Preaching and the Literary Forms of the Bible

    Long argues that the literary form and dynamics of biblical texts can and should make a difference in the kinds of sermons created from those texts, not only...



  • Bible and Ethics in the Christian Life: Revised and Expanded Edition

    Bible and Ethics in the Christian Life: Revised and Expanded Edition

    Among the topics treated are: Christian ethics as community ethics Charting the moral life Elements of character formation Character and social structure...



  • Faith Development and Pastoral Care

    Faith Development and Pastoral Care

    James Fowler's work as the originator of faith development research -- his use of the theories of Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson for theology -- has been...



  • Homiletic: Moves and Structures

    Homiletic: Moves and Structures

    Buttrick presents a complete homiletic that focuses on how sermons form in consciousness and how the language of preaching functions in the communal...



  • Ritual and Pastoral Care

    Ritual and Pastoral Care

    Pastoral counseling can be imbued with a sense of community and of the transcendent; there is no surer way for this to happen than through a vital and...




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