Augsburg Fortress

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  • With Courage and Compassion: Women and the Ecumenical Movement

    With Courage and Compassion: Women and the Ecumenical Movement

    With Courage and Compassion celebrates the contributions of women to nations, societies, churches, and the ecumenical movement. While recounting the progressive stance the World Council of Churches has taken in recognizing the leadership and theological gifts of women, this book is honest about the many forms of exclusion and even violence against women in societies in the church and the ecumenical movement that persist. It calls for a transformation of unjust attitudes and systems.



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  • Serving Money, Serving God: Aligning Radical Justice, Christian Practice, and Church Life

    Serving Money, Serving God: Aligning Radical Justice, Christian Practice, and Church Life

    Justice commitments can and must be integrated into all of a church's financial practices. So argues Sheryl Johnson in Serving Money, Serving God: Aligning Radical Justice, Christian Practice, and Church Life. She offers a positive and constructive approach with inspiring examples and a sense of hope-filled adventure for churches of all sizes.



  • Exploding Stars, Dead Dinosaurs, and Zombies: Youth Ministry in the Age of Science

    Exploding Stars, Dead Dinosaurs, and Zombies: Youth Ministry in the Age of Science

    Science may be the biggest threat to teenage faith today, but Andrew Root demonstrates that, in fact, the two are not incompatible. Root, a renowned expert on adolescent spirituality, shows how science overstates its claims on truth, while faith often understates its own claims. Both faith and science frame the experience and reality of teenagers, and both have something valuable to offer as adolescents develop. Drawing on a fictional account of a youth pastor and the various students he encounters, Root paints a compelling picture of how faith can flourish, even in our scientific age.



  • Holy Friendships: Nurturing Relationships That Sustain Pastors and Leaders

    Holy Friendships: Nurturing Relationships That Sustain Pastors and Leaders

    Victoria Atkinson White in Holy Friendships: Nurturing Relationships That Sustain Pastors and Leaders offers hope, grace, and humor, inviting readers to invest in their own resilience, sustainability, and flourishing and to cultivate beloved community by nurturing holy friendships--mutual and sacred relationships deeply rooted in God's love.



  • Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth

    Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth

    In Refugia Faith, Debra Rienstra explores nature's refugia--places where life endures in a crisis--and applies this model to faith. Drawing from theology, nature writing, and science, she examines how Christian spirituality and practice must adapt for a climate-altered planet.



  • Christian Faith: The Basics

    Christian Faith: The Basics

    Walt Kallestad, the senior pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in the United States, knows and understands spiritual seekers and new Christians....



  • Shelter Theology: The Religious Lives of People without Homes

    Shelter Theology: The Religious Lives of People without Homes

    Shelter Theology offers insight into the worlds of the invisible: individuals experiencing homelessness and those living in extreme poverty. Based on over ten years of chaplaincy in a homeless shelter, Dunlap shares the nuanced theology of people in harsh circumstances and outlines how their beliefs and practices enable survival and resistance.



  • Islam: An Introduction for Christians

    Islam: An Introduction for Christians

    These and many other questions are answered in this informative introduction to Islam. Christians of all denominations will find reliable and up-to-date...



  • Digital Communion: Marshall McLuhan's Spiritual Vision for a Virtual Age

    Digital Communion: Marshall McLuhan's Spiritual Vision for a Virtual Age

    Digital Communion explores the religious history of mass communication, focusing on Marshall McLuhan's vision of the electronic world as a place of potential spiritual exchange. McLuhan's Catholicism deeply informed his theory, which in turn reveals how we can cultivate a more spiritual vision of the internet.



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  • J. H. Oldham and George Bell: Ecumenical Pioneers

    J. H. Oldham and George Bell: Ecumenical Pioneers

    An introduction to two British shapers of ecumenical thought in the twentieth century, J. H. Oldham and Bishop George Bell. Oldham pioneered new thinking on social, racial, and international issues, while Bell used his stature to give voice in support of the oppressed in Nazi Germany. Both aided in the formation of the World Council of Churches.



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  • The Horrors We Bless: Rethinking the Just-War Legacy

    The Horrors We Bless: Rethinking the Just-War Legacy

    Is war inevitable? Is it so woven into the fabric of our being that it always was and always will be? "Early Christians," says Maguire, "were...



  • The Prophetic Lens: The Camera and Black Moral Agency from MLK to Darnella Frazier

    The Prophetic Lens: The Camera and Black Moral Agency from MLK to Darnella Frazier

    The Prophetic Lens takes an important look at the use of the video camera as an indispensable prophetic tool for the security of Black lives and greater possibility for racial justice. The book highlights both the prophetic potential of the camera and the context of Blackness as a liminal existence amid a context dominated by whiteness.



  • Deuteronomy for the Church: Who We Are, What God Requires

    Deuteronomy for the Church: Who We Are, What God Requires

    Deuteronomy's core theology expressed in the Shema forms the structure of the book: What does it mean to "hear"? Who is "all Israel"? How does the identity of the one Lord shape ethics? The competence to be God's people, to know God, and to do God's will comes only through hearing the transforming Word of God in Scripture.



  • There Is No God and Mary Is His Mother: Rediscovering Religionless Christianity

    There Is No God and Mary Is His Mother: Rediscovering Religionless Christianity

    In this personal, witty, and timely book, New York Times bestselling author Thomas Cathcart takes readers on a journey into belief and unbelief and leads them through to "religionless Christianity." He shows that, even absent traditional theological formulas and doctrines, Christianity can be credible, meaningful, and practical.



  • Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological-Economic Vocation

    Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological-Economic Vocation

    Cynthia Moe-Lobeda argues that the future of the earth is not simply a matter of protecting species and habitats but of rethinking the very meaning of Christian ethics.



  • Beyond Prisons: A New Interfaith Paradigm for Our Failed Prison System

    Beyond Prisons: A New Interfaith Paradigm for Our Failed Prison System

    This strong indictment of the current prison system, undertaken by two respected experts on behalf of the American Friends Service Committee, traces the history...



  • Understanding Friendship: On the Moral, Political, and Spiritual Meaning of Love

    Understanding Friendship: On the Moral, Political, and Spiritual Meaning of Love

    Understanding Friendship illustrates friendship as an expression of Christian love that can enrich one's life and be socially, culturally, and politically significant. The book examines what friendship is, how its distinctive moral status can be supported by multiple approaches to Christian ethics, and its part in Christian spirituality.



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  • Exploring Islam: Theology and Spiritual Practice in America

    Exploring Islam: Theology and Spiritual Practice in America

    Exploring Islam is a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the foundations of the Islamic faith, including its history, theology, and spiritual practice. The book also deals with issues such as jihad, the status of women, and the various sectarian divisions in Islam. Most distinctive about this work is its analysis of the lived experience of Muslims in modern American life. Sayilgan offers readers a perspective that is scholarly, judicious, and engaging.



  • Living By Faith: Justification and Sanctification

    Living By Faith: Justification and Sanctification

    "Living by faith" is much more than a general Christian precept; it is the fundamental posture of believers in a world rife with suffering and injustice. In this penetrating reflection on the meaning of "justification," Oswald Bayer shows how this key religious term provides a comprehensive horizon for discussing every aspect of Christian theology, from creation to the end times.



  • The Nones: Where They Came From, Who They Are, and Where They Are Going, Second Edition

    The Nones: Where They Came From, Who They Are, and Where They Are Going, Second Edition

    In The Nones: Where They Came From, Who They Are, and Where They Are Going, Second Edition, Ryan P. Burge gives readers a nuanced, accurate, and meaningful look at the growing number of Americans who say they have no religious affiliation. This second edition includes substantial updates.

