Trauma and Evil: Healing the Wounded Soul
This book helps those who provide care to victims of abuse and violence add to their knowledge base an understanding of evil. The authors "demythologize" evil...
Caring for God's People: Counseling and Christian Wholeness
Culbertson has built his text around the ideal of Christian wholeness and maturity?a healthy interconnectedness of self-within-community. The heart of...
The Pastor as Moral Guide
Adultery, divorce, racism, teen pregnancy, white-collar crime, living wills—these are among the many complex moral issues that Christians face and for...
Pastoral Diagnosis: A Resource for Ministries of Care and Counseling
Pastoral Diagnosis is the first book-length analysis of pastoral assessment of parishioners' presenting problems to be published in the last two decades. In...
Competency-Based Counseling: Building on Client Strengths
This book demonstrates how counselors can help people to use the resources they already have so they can address issues that come up in life. The authors...
Depression and Hope: New Insights for Pastoral Counseling
This year one in ten adults will experience the isolation and inner barrenness of major depression. It is second only to marital difficulties in causing...
Living Stories: Pastoral Counseling in Congregational Context
Pastoral counseling, Donald Capps believes, should not be just another servicelike chartered toursthat churches provide for their members. Rather,...
Cross-Cultural Counseling
For the busy pastor, this volume outlines sensitivities, awarenesses, and skills fundamental to this type of helping process. Issues such as identity, sense...
Counseling Adolescent Girls
This book is an introduction to the worlds, lives, and struggles of diverse kinds and communities of girls that ministers and youth leaders are likely to...
Healing and Christianity
The classic history of healing in the Christian church from biblical times to the present.
Healers-Harmed and Harmful
"This book explores the factors that can lead a religious professional either to become depressed or to interact with others in inappropriate ways. ... ...
Woman Battering
This book was written as a practical response to many ministers who approached the author after they did not know what to say to a woman suffering violence...
Counseling Men
Counseling Men opens the way for men to discuss and discover their fears and losses in conversation with clergy, pastoral counselors, and lay caregivers.
Brief Pastoral Counseling: Short-Term Approaches and Strategies
Most pastoral counselors, clergy, and psychotherapists assume that truly effective counseling requires months or even years. Research suggests otherwise....
Integrative Family Therapy
Pastoral counselors, therapists-in-training and clergy are usually introduced to one method of family assessment and treatment, which works better in some...
Pastoral Care and the Means of Grace
The emphasis on pastoral freedom is nearly spent?and found wanting. Many caregivers today are seeking to balance such freedom with a sense of God's...
Faith Development and Pastoral Care
James Fowler's work as the originator of faith development research -- his use of the theories of Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson for theology -- has been...
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