Salty: Lessons on Eating, Drinking, and Living from Revolutionary Women
Film critic and food writer Alissa Wilkinson sits down with a hypothetical table of smart, engaging, revolutionary women of the twentieth century to explore the ways food centered each woman's creative work. As we meet these multifaceted women, we learn how to live with courage, smarts, saltiness, and sometimes feasting--even in uncertain times.
Brave: Women of the Bible and Their Stories of Grief, Mercy, Folly, Joy, Sex, and Redemption
Following the success of Fierce, Alice Connor returns to introduce a new group of women from the Bible, some whose names we know, others who go unnamed. These women's stories are challenging and beautiful. When we read their stories, we see not only their particular, formidable lives but also our own.
Baptized in Tear Gas: From White Moderate to Abolitionist
Elle Dowd invites readers to experience her transformation from what Martin Luther King Jr. referred to as "the white moderate" into an Assata Shakur-reading, courthouse-occupying abolitionist. Like in baptism, this alteration requires parts of us to die--our tone policing, white niceness, respectability politics--so that we may be reborn.
How to Human: An Incomplete Manual for Living in a Messed-Up World
How to Human is a tender and irreverent take on one of life's most fundamental questions: how to be a better human in a world dead set against it. Alice Connor offers sage, no-nonsense wisdom, encouraging you to embrace the chaos and see life as an experiment--not a quest for the right answers.
Thanksgiving in the Woods
Cheerful, colorful illustrations celebrate a real-life family's Thanksgiving in the woods.
Trauma and Race: A Path to Wellbeing
This book lives at the intersection of trauma, race, and counseling. African (Black), Latino/a/x, Asian, and Native (Indigenous) Americans (ALANAs) experience trauma in the context of systemic, institutionalized, and cultural racism. Any work by trauma-informed professionals must take into consideration the intersection of race and trauma.
Halloween in the Orchard
A heartfelt story about enjoying Halloween and autumn at the local apple orchard.
The Woman They Wanted: Shattering the Illusion of the Good Christian Wife
The Woman They Wanted recounts the remarkable story of Shannon Harris' courtship with Joshua Harris (author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye), her grappling with conservative Christianity's patriarchy and narrow definition of womanhood, and her journey to break free and reclaim a more authentic version of herself.
In My Grandmother's House: Black Women, Faith, and the Stories We Inherit
A grandmother's theology carries wisdom strong enough for future generations. Theologian Yolanda Pierce builds an everyday womanist theology rooted in liberating scriptures and truths from Black women's lives in this paperback edition. It's time to get to know the God who has been showing up at the kitchen tables of Black women all along.
Deconstructing Racism: A Path toward Lasting Change
Deconstructing Racism explores why change has been so difficult to come by and offers new paths toward lasting change through the deconstruction of racism's roots within systems and institutions. It speaks to people in both church and society who are or have been working to dismantle institutional and systemic racism.
Unruly Saint: Dorothy Day's Radical Vision and Its Challenge for Our Times
In 1933, in the shadow of the Great Depression, Dorothy Day launched the Catholic Worker Movement, a worldwide crusade for equality. In Unruly Saint, D. L. Mayfield illuminates the ways in which Day found the love of God in, and expressed it for, her neighbors during a time of great upheaval.
A Brown Girl's Epiphany: Reclaim Your Intuition and Step into Your Power
A love letter to anyone in need of guidance on their journey to self-liberation. The message is this: You already have all you need to step into the fullness of your power. With the powerful voice of a woman, pastor, mother, and advocate, Rev. Aurelia Dávila Pratt gives readers the tools we need to access our inner authority.
More of You: The Fat Girl's Field Guide to the Modern World
In More of You Amanda Martinez Beck gives fellow fat women who have been pushed to the margins of acceptance hard-won wisdom on how to thrive. This book will challenge the status quo, teaching readers to resist shame and guilt and instead to embrace their bodies, take up space, and learn to navigate the world in ways that allow them to flourish.
Gutsy: Mindfulness Practices for Everyday Bravery
Women are too often trained out of feeling confident in the wisdom we hold inside. Drawing on her clinical experience and her personal story of leaving her ultra-Orthodox Jewish faith and culture, Dr. Leah Katz shows us how to set aside unrealistic expectations and trust our inner wisdom, making brave leaps in the search for fulfillment.
Body Becoming: A Path to Our Liberation
Activist and public theologian Robyn Henderson-Espinoza inhabits a trans, nonbinary, multiracial body--a body continually in discovery. Drawing from their own body story with the theory and practice of bodywork, they lead us to discover embodiment as the primary place of deep wisdom and a powerful tool to create lasting social change.
Black Girls Unbossed: Young World Changers Leading the Way
Young Black leaders have always been at the forefront of the fight for justice, freedom, and equity. From Khristi Lauren Adams, author of the celebrated Parable of the Brown Girl, comes Black Girls Unbossed, which introduces readers to young Black girls leading the way and changing the world.
Unbossed: How Black Girls Are Leading the Way
Black girls are leading the way. They are starting nonprofits. Promoting diverse literature. Fighting cancer. Improving water quality. Working to prevent gun violence. From Khristi Lauren Adams, author of the celebrated Parable of the Brown Girl, comes Unbossed, a hopeful and riveting introduction to eight young Black leaders.
Be the Brave One: Living Your Spiritual Values Out Loud and Other Life Lessons
The Rev. Ann Kansfield left Wall Street and found her calling as the first female and openly gay chaplain at the New York Fire Department. Guiding her life are the values that anchor her. Weaving real-life stories with wit and practical faith, Kansfield challenges readers to discover and live out their own spiritual values.
The Defiant Middle: How Women Claim Life's In-Betweens to Remake the World
Women who don't fit in amid cultural expectations, because of life transitions or changes in their body, mind, or gender identity, are carving out new ways of being in and remaking the world. Drawing on the wisdom of women mystics, this book explores how transitional eras can be both spiritually challenging and excitingly freeing.
Invisible: Theology and the Experience of Asian American Women
In Invisible, Grace Ji-Sun Kim examines encounters with racism, sexism, and xenophobia as she works toward ending Asian American women's invisibility. Speaking with the weight of her personal narrative, she proclaims that the histories, experiences, and voices of Asian American women must be rescued from obscurity. Speaking with the weight of a theologian, she powerfully paves the way for a theology of visibility that honors the voice and identity of these women.
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