The Great Belonging: How Loneliness Leads Us to Each Other
Loneliness has reached epidemic proportions, according to many sources. In an age of mobility and fraying civic life, we are all susceptible to its power. In The Great Belonging, writer and spiritual director Charlotte Donlon reframes loneliness and offers us a language for the disquiet within. Ultimately, Donlon claims, we can find connection that emerges from honesty, and she offers tools, resources, and practices for transforming loneliness into true belonging.
Brave Talk: Building Resilient Relationships in the Face of Conflict
When we disagree about fundamental issues, it can be difficult to maintain close relationships. In Brave Talk, communications expert Melody Stanford Martin teaches us to treat every conflict as if it's an impasse. By learning to temporarily suspend our desire to resolve differences, we make space for deeper understanding and stronger ties. Brave Talk blends humor, creativity, and interactive learning to help everyday people develop better skills for navigating conflict.
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