Augsburg Fortress

Ensemble Setting of Holy Communion (Setting 7)

Ensemble Setting of Holy Communion (Setting 7)

Ensemble Edition of Holy Communion: Setting Seven is an enhanced instrumental setting of Evangelical Lutheran Worship Holy Communion, Setting Seven. Composer Juan M. Cortez has crafted an arrangement that gives each musical component its own distinctive style that is true to its Hispanic roots. Flexible parts are included for flute, violin, two trumpets, keyboard, one or two guitars (vihuela, requinto), and bass (guitarron), giving new life to the bilingual songs with original music by Gerhard Cartford, Victor Jortack, José Ruiz, and Pablo Sosa.

This Leader Score edition includes the full score, with instrumental parts available for download.

Ensemble Setting of Holy Communion: Setting Seven (Edición para Conjunto Musical de la Santa Comunión: liturgia siete) es un arreglo instrumental de la Santa Comunión de Evangelical Lutheran Worship, liturgia siete. El compositor Juan M. Cortez ha creado un arreglo que otorga a cada componente musical un estilo propio y distintivo que representa las raíces hispanas. Incluye partes adaptables para flauta, violín, dos trompetas, teclado, una o dos guitarras (o vihuela o requinto) y un bajo o guitarrón, ofreciendo así canciones bilingües con música original de Gerhard Cartford, Victor Jortack, José Ruiz y Pablo Sosa. Esta edición de partituras para líderes contiene todas las partituras de la liturgia siete, con partes instrumentales listas para descargar.

Leader Edition

Sheet Music
ISBN: 9781451478006
  • In stock

Leader Score

Digital Download
Product Number: 9781506496160
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Instrumental Parts

Digital Download
ISBN: 9781451497007
  • This item is not returnable
  • This product is also available for download on Prelude Music Planner
  • * Note: you must purchase the quantity that you intend to print locally
  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Digital Download; Sheet Music
  • Brand Evangelical Lutheran Worship
  • Version Instrumental Parts; Leader Edition; Leader Score
  • Difficulty Medium-Difficult

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