Augsburg Fortress

On Grieving the Death of a Father

On Grieving the Death of a Father

Not many books have been written to help the grieving son or daughter deal with the new reality of a deceased father. Smith has combined personal stories from Frederick Buechner, Norman Vincent Peale, Corrie ten Boom, James Dobson, and many other well- known people to help others through their grieving process.
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  • Publisher Augsburg Books
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806627144
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 144
  • Season/Occasion Funeral
  • Publication Date November 1, 1994


"Since my own father died when I was only 12, I found a lot of solid comfort in this book… I like to think of my dad as not gone, but just gone on ahead. This book allows me to do just that."
--Barbara Johnson, Best selling author of Pack Up Your Gloomees in a Great Big Box Then Sit on the Lid and Laugh and Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy

"Beauty from ashes. Thoughts that soothe the sorrowing heart. These are Harold Ivan's specialty. With rare skill he takes our hand and leads us through one of life's deepest valleys. I hope this book sells and sells to bless and bless."
--Charlie Shedd, Author of the multimillion sellers Letters to Karen and Letters to Phillip

"This is far more than a book about Harold Smith's father. It is a book about everyone's father. Harold has captured the essence of fatherhood by drawing from the writing of dozens of sons and daughters who have reflected upon the impact of their own fathers on their lives. The grief is there, but so much more is added."
-- Sherwood Eliot Wirt