Augsburg Fortress

Evangelical Lutheran Worship: Pew Edition eBook

Evangelical Lutheran Worship: Pew Edition eBook

This Evangelical Lutheran Worship eBook contains the exact text, pagination, and design from the Pew Edition formatted for iBooks on Apple Devices. A rich and vibrant resource for worship at home and throughout your journey of faith. This ebook makes ELW even more accessible for daily use in the home, sacristy, and congregation.


  • 10 Communion settings
  • All 150 Psalms for singing
  • Evocative art
  • 15 additional services
  • Over 700 hymns and songs
  • Luther’s Small Catechism

Evangelical Lutheran Worship: Electronic Edition is optimized for the iBooks app for iOS and macOS (iPhone, iPad, iTouch, MacBook). This eBook is not available in a .mobi file for Kindle, and its functionality may be limited with e-reader software on non-Apple devices.

  • This item is not returnable
  • Digital download


  • Publisher Augsburg Fortress
  • Format Digital Download
  • ISBN 9781506416069
  • Brand Evangelical Lutheran Worship
  • Pages 1211
  • Publication Date April 3, 2018

Downloading Your eBook

iPad/iPhone: Using a Mac Computer

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Move the ePub file to the following location: [user name]/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Automatically Add to iTunes.
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iPad/iPhone: Using a Windows Computer

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Move the ePub file to the following location: Users/[your user name]/My Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Automatically Add to iTunes.
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Apple Computer: Using iBooks

Note: If you don’t have iBooks on your computer, please install this software through the App Store for your Mac.
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Double click on the file to open it in iBooks.

Non-Apple Devices

Note: The ePub file available is specially formatted for use on iBooks on Apple devices. Any standard ePub reader on a PC may be able to open the file, but we cannot assure you that it will display properly

Kindle Devices

Kindle Devices do not natively support ePub files and therefore are unable to open this file. This eBook will not be made available in a format for Kindle due to restrictions in the formatting.


Evangelical Lutheran Worship Pew Edition

The Pew Edition and these special gift editions of Evangelical Lutheran Worship ensure you can participate actively in liturgy and song whether you're in church, at home, or another ministry setting.

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