Augsburg Fortress

Frolic Preschool / Storybooks / Year 1 / Ages 3-5 / Leader Guide

Frolic Preschool / Storybooks / Year 1 / Ages 3-5 / Leader Guide

Engage your preschoolers and help them understand faith concepts in the way that they learn best -- through play! This Frolic Preschool Storybooks Leader Guide includes content for 12 lessons that are based on 6 Frolic storybooks. Each lesson is covered over the course of two weeks to help your little ones learn faith concepts through creative play spaces. Choose from two lively ways to share the story each week, using the Story Sheets and Stickers as a play-based activity during the lesson and the Storytelling Poster to end the lesson and prepare for Send Time.

The Frolic Preschool Storybooks Leader Guide covers six key Storybooks, including:

  • Ava and the Skimpy Picnic: Preschoolers can watch what happens as Ava and her friends decide to only bring a little bit of what they have for a picnic. After saying a prayer together, they learn that sharing more will save the picnic and turn it into a feast!


  • Hal and the New Kid: Hal and Ava have always been good friends, but then Jo the goat starts to play with Ava and Hal feels shy and anxious. As Hal learns that new friends are a gift from God, preschoolers can learn that it's okay to be anxious about new friends and prayer can help.


  • Hal and the Very Long Race: It's the day of the big race and Hal wants to win. But he's just not as big, as strong, or as fast as his friends. After a frustrating start, Hal discovers he has his own strengths, like perseverance, endurance, and problem-solving. Children learn to celebrate the differences in how we grow and how we all have our own pace of development.


  • Jo and the Slow Soup: When Jo's friends decide to work together to make a soup Jo's patience is tested as he waits (and waits and waits) for the soup to cook. Preschoolers can learn alongside Jo as he says a prayer to help him wait and learns the importance of patience.


  • Rufus Loses His Cape: Rufus can't find his cape. His friends have all kinds of ideas for where to look, but Rufus won't listen. Young children will discover, along with Rufus, that when he learns to listen and ask for help, his friends can help him solve his problem.


  • Uri and the Busy Day: Uri has a fun day ahead and she doesn't want to miss a thing. But soon all the fun gets to be too much! Parents will recognize the signs of an overstimulated toddler as they follow Uri through her busy day, and children will learn ways to calm down when the day gets too busy.

The six Storybooks are available for purchase in a Frolic Preschool Storybooks Bundle at a special price! Frolic Preschool is a two-year curriculum designed for ages 3-5. In addition to a unit covering 6 storybooks, Year 1 includes 20 lessons on the Old Testament and 20 lessons on the New Testament.

  • In stock
  • Suggested order quantity: 1 per leader


  • Publisher Sparkhouse
  • Format Paperback; Spiral
  • ISBN 9781506448985
  • Brand Frolic
  • Age/Grade Range 2-3; PreK-K
  • Year 1
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 11
  • Pages 132
  • Unit 3
  • Publication Date May 1, 2018